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/Undergraduate/Open Classes

Results 26 - 46 of 46


BIOS 390 Spec Topics-Bioiological Sci:
BIOS 390 Spec Topics-Bioiological Sci: Zoology of Vertebrates 3 CR Taft, Natalia K
Registration Number: 2453 Section: 001
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Meeting Times: 8:00A - 9:22A
FINAL: 12/12/24 8:00A
Meeting Days T R Room Number GRNQ D137
BIOS 435 Experimental Mthds/Biochem Lab
BIOS 435 Experimental Mthds/Biochem Lab 2 CR Lee, Traci A
Registration Number: 2427 Section: 002
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Meeting Times: 1:00P - 4:50P
FINAL: 12/10/24 1:00P
Meeting Days T Room Number GRNQ L370
CHEM 322 and consent. Lab fee: $35.
BIOS 445 Research Mthds Ecology/Evolutn
BIOS 445 Research Mthds Ecology/Evolutn 2 CR Rogers, David A
Registration Number: 1702 Section: 001
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Meeting Times: 10:00A - 10:53A
FINAL: 12/13/24 10:30A
Meeting Days M Room Number GRNQ D137
BIOS 305, 310 or 314 (or concurrent); consent. Enrollment in Lecture (001) and Lab (L081) required. Lab Fee: $30.
BIOS 445 Research Mthds Ecology/Evolutn
BIOS 445 Research Mthds Ecology/Evolutn 2 CR Rogers, David A
Registration Number: 1704 Section: L081
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Meeting Times: 12:30P - 3:20P Meeting Days T Room Number GRNQ D143
BIOS 489 Molec Bio/Bioinfrm Sr Project
BIOS 489 Molec Bio/Bioinfrm Sr Project 1 CR Lee, Traci A
Registration Number: 2362 Section: 001
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Meeting Times: 1:00P - 1:53P
FINAL: 12/11/24 1:00P
Meeting Days W Room Number GRNQ L113
BIOS 453, 455; consent. Repeat, max 2 credits. Course fee: $20.
BIOS 490 Adv Topics-Biological Sci:
BIOS 490 Adv Topics-Biological Sci: Advanced Molecular Techniques 3 CR Lee, Traci A
Registration Number: 2459 Section: 001
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Meeting Times: 1:00P - 4:50P
FINAL: 12/12/24 1:00P
Meeting Days R Room Number GRNQ L370
Repeat with different topic. Lab fee: $100.
BIOS 494 Internship
BIOS 494 Internship 1 - 3 CR Lee, Traci A
Registration Number: 1708 Section: 001
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
BIOS 210, 2.80 GPA, consent instructor, department chair. Graded credit/no credit.
BIOS 494 Internship
BIOS 494 Internship 1 - 3 CR Higgs, David C
Registration Number: 1709 Section: 002
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
BIOS 210, 2.80 GPA, consent instructor, department chair. Graded credit/no credit.
BIOS 494 Internship
BIOS 494 Internship 1 - 3 CR Preuss, Fabian
Registration Number: 2544 Section: 003
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
BIOS 210, 2.80 GPA, consent instructor, department chair. Graded credit/no credit.
BIOS 494 Internship
BIOS 494 Internship 1 - 3 CR Taft, Natalia K
Registration Number: 2545 Section: 004
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
BIOS 210, 2.80 GPA, consent instructor, department chair. Graded credit/no credit.
BIOS 494 Internship
BIOS 494 Internship 1 - 3 CR Noto, Christopher R
Registration Number: 2582 Section: 005
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
BIOS 210, 2.80 GPA, consent instructor, department chair. Graded credit/no credit.
BIOS 499 Independent Study:
BIOS 499 Independent Study: 1 - 3 CR Orlofske, Jessica Marie
Registration Number: 1710 Section: 001
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
Consent instructor, department chair. Junior; min 2.80 GPA in BIOS courses recommended.
BIOS 499 Independent Study:
BIOS 499 Independent Study: 1 - 3 CR Richards, Gregory R
Registration Number: 1711 Section: 002
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
Consent instructor, department chair. Junior; min 2.80 GPA in BIOS courses recommended.
BIOS 499 Independent Study:
BIOS 499 Independent Study: 1 - 3 CR Rogers, David A
Registration Number: 1712 Section: 003
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
Consent instructor, department chair. Junior; min 2.80 GPA in BIOS courses recommended.
BIOS 499 Independent Study:
BIOS 499 Independent Study: 1 - 3 CR Lee, Traci A
Registration Number: 1713 Section: 004
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
Consent instructor, department chair. Junior; min 2.80 GPA in BIOS courses recommended.
BIOS 499 Independent Study:
BIOS 499 Independent Study: 1 - 3 CR Barber, Robert D
Registration Number: 1714 Section: 005
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
Consent instructor, department chair. Junior; min 2.80 GPA in BIOS courses recommended.
BIOS 499 Independent Study:
BIOS 499 Independent Study: 1 - 3 CR Mayer, Gregory C
Registration Number: 1715 Section: 006
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
Consent instructor, department chair. Junior; min 2.80 GPA in BIOS courses recommended.
BIOS 499 Independent Study:
BIOS 499 Independent Study: 1 - 3 CR Higgs, David C
Registration Number: 2577 Section: 007
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and department chair; Junior standing and minimum 2.80 GPA in BIOS courses recommended.
BIOS 499 Independent Study:
BIOS 499 Independent Study: 1 - 3 CR Preuss, Fabian
Registration Number: 2574 Section: 020
Class Dates: 9/4 - 12/13
Room Number
Prerequisites: Consent instructor, department chair. Junior; min 2.80 GPA in BIOS courses recommended. (Beginning SPRING 2016 - Section 020 ONLY: Lab Fee: $105. Instructor: Fabian Preuss)
Courses to Consider


Class Day
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
SA Saturday
SU Sunday


Class Type
HU Humanities and the Arts
(General Education)
NS Natural Sciences
(General Education)
SS Social and Behavioral Sciences
(General Education)
CBL Community Based Learning
DV Diversity Requirement
SA Study Abroad
DE Online/Hybrid
EXT UW Extension
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