Computer Science Study Abroad - Germany



Computer Science Study Abroad - Germany
May 16-27, 2016
Ostafillia University, Wolfenbuettel Germany

Special Topics: Robotics

CSCI 490 7168, 3 credits

5/16 – 5/27 Dr. Derek Riley

Open only to/required of those taking the Study Tour to Ostafilia University
in Wolfenbuettel Germany, May 16-27, 2016. Trip fees: $986 includes room,
meals, and excursions. Students must purchase their own airfare. UW-
Parkside tuition is not included. Contact instructor for details and permission
to enroll.

For more information, contact:
Dr. Derek Riley or Connie Wheeler in the Computer Science Department at

Molinaro 249
(262) 595-2314
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