Welcome to the University of Wisconsin-Parkside Center for Economic Education web site. The Center is affiliated with the (national) Council for Economic Education and EconomicsWisconsin. The mission of the Center is to improve economic and financial literacy by providing K-12 teachers with curriculum material and professional development that will enable them to more effectively teach economics.
What teachers are saying about the Center for Economic Education
Comment from a high school teacher of economics after taking the one-credit graduate course on Environmental Economics Pedagogy:
"I have found more practical utility in this class than my previous six graduate classes combined."
Workshop evaluation response from the Integrating Economics into Your U.S. History Classroom workshop:
"I have no economics training beyond a single course in college. This workshop enticed me because it tied a subject I avoid (economics) with a subject I teach regularly (American History). It provided me with actual lessons that I can incorporate into my classroom (8th grade American History) in a usable format. It touched on highly relevant topics, sharing information in an understandable manner. I'm not just economics ignorant, I'm econ-phobic. This workshop's lessons prove to me that I (and therefore also my students) can benefit from economics information both historically and everyday contemporary life."