Student Testing and Assessment
Communication Skills
Students applying for admission to the Institute of Professional Educator Development must satisfy the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction requirement for Communication Skills as defined in PI 34.021(1)(a) by meeting one of the following requirements:
1. Praxis CORE
If taken as the designated assessment of communication skills, all three sections (Reading, Writing, and Mathematics) of the Praxis CORE Academic Skills for Educators exam must be passed prior to applying for admission to the program. It is recommended that students register for the exam at least two months ahead of the desired test date. Teahcer Education must have an Official Score Report in order to process applications for admission; without an Official Score Report, your application for admission will be returned to you and you will have to wait to apply until the next open enrollment period.
The Praxis CORE is only delivered by computer. Computer based tests are offered almost every month during a two-week period. Score reports take approximately four weeks to arrive (keep this in mind when scheduling your test and your anticipated date for application for admission to the program).
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has set the pass rate scores for the Praxis CORE as follows:
- Reading (5712) Passing Score: 156
- Writing (5722) Passing Score: 162
- Math (5732) Passing Score: 150
When registering for Praxis CORE, use the UW-Parkside four digit code of 1860 to ensure a timely delivery of the Official Score Report to Teacher Education. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the program has a copy of the test results. Please note it is the student's responsibility to keep their copy of the original score report; the program will not archive score reports.
NOTE: The Praxis CORE Academic Skills for Educators assessment is NOT the same as the Praxis I exam. Praxis I is no longer accepted by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction after August 31, 2014.
2. ACT
Teacher candidates applying for admission may use their ACT test scores if they received a composite score of 23 with a minimum score of 20 on English, Math and Reading AND the score is within the previous 10 years.
3. SAT
Teacher candidates applying for admission may use their SAT test scores if they received a minimum score of 510 on Critical Reading, 480 on Writing, and 520 on Math AND the score is within the previous 10 years.
4. GRE
Revised General Test - Teacher candidates applying for admission may use their GRE Revised General Test scores if they received a minimum score of 450 on Verbal Reasoning, 3 on Analytical Writing, and 540 on Quantitative Reasoning (prior to August 1, 2011) or a minimum score of 150 on Verbal Reasoning, 3 on Analytical Writing, and 145 on Quantitative Reasoning (after August 1, 2011) AND the score is within the previous 10 years.
5. Alternative Option
Successful completion of ENGL 101 and MATH 102 or MATH 111 with a grade of C+ or higher (grade of CR accepted for Spring 2020 semester only).
Content Knowledge Assessment
All candidates are required to successfully complete a content knowledge assessment prior to admission to Residency. Assessment options vary based on licensure program, and candidates should consult with the Teacher Education Advisor beginning in their first semester to discuss these options.
For every license, the Praxis Subject Assessment (formerly Praxis II) is an option for completion of the content knowledge assessment. If required, the Praxis Subject Assessment required for license must be taken and passed prior to progression to Residency. It is recommended that students register for the exam at least two months ahead of the desired test date. Teacher Education must have an Official Score Report in order to process applications for Residency; without an Official Score Report, your application for Residency will be returned to you and you will have to wait to apply until the next semester.
When registering for Praxis Subject Assessments, use the UW-Parkside four digit code of 1860 to ensure a timely delivery of the Official Score Report to the Educator Development Program. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the program has a copy of the test results. Please note it is the student's responsibility to keep their copy of the original score report; the program will not archive score reports.
Wisconsin uses the Praxis Subject Assessments for all licenses except world languages. The following are the test code, name and passing scores applicable to the individual license the student is seeking:
Wisconsin License | Test Code | Test Name | Qualifying Score |
Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence (MC-EA) and |
Regular Education | 5146 | Middle School: Content Knowledge | 146 |
Cross-Categorical Special Education (Any Emphasis) |
5146 | Middle School: Content Knowledge | 146 |
Early Adolescence-Adolescence (EA-A) | |||
Biological Science | 5435 | General Science: Content Knowledge | 154 |
Chemistry | 5435 | General Science: Content Knowledge | 154 |
Cross-Categorical Special Education (Any Emphasis) |
5146 | Middle School: Content Knowledge | 146 |
English | 5038 | English Language Arts: Content Knowledge | 167 |
Geography | 5081 | Social Studies: Content Knowledge | 153 |
Geosciences | 5435 | General Science: Content Knowledge | 154 |
History | 5081 | Social Studies: Content Knowledge | 153 |
Mathematics | 5165 | Mathematics: Content Knowledge | 160 |
Political Science | 5081 | Social Studies: Content Knowledge | 153 |
Sociology | 5081 | Social Studies: Content Knowledge | 153 |
Early Childhood-Adolescence (EC-A) and Kindergarten - Grade 12 |
Art | 5134 | Art: Content Knowledge | 158 |
English as a Second Language | 5362 | English to Speakers of Other Languages | 149 |
Music, General/Choral | 5113 | Music: Content Knowledge | 150 |
Music, General/Instrumental | 5113 | Music: Content Knowledge | 150 |
Early Childhood (EC) | |||
Regular Education | 5018 | Elementary Education: Content Knowledge | 157 |
Foundations of Reading Test (FORT 090)
NEW Foundations of Reading Test Self-Paced Modules
Literacy instructors across the University of Wisconsin System have developed a self-paced course designed to support participants’ understanding of the teaching of reading and engage in preparation work for the Foundations of Reading Test (FORT 90). Registration and engagement in the course is free of charge.
This course has enabled open enrollment. Participants with Canvas accounts can self-enroll in the course using this link URL: Alternatively, participants who do not have a registered Canvas account can sign up at and use the following join code: L9RACF.
Pedagogical Knowledge Assessment
Candidates are required to complete and pass an assessment of pedagogical knowledge prior to being endorsed for licensure. At UW-Parkside, this assessment includes successful completion of the Pre-Residency Portfolio and evaluations of real-time teaching during Residency. The edTPA is no longer a requirement for teacher licensure at UW-Parkside.