02/12/2025: Caution: Due to inclement weather all in-person classes from 4 pm onwards 02/12/25 have been canceled. Online classes continue as scheduled. MORE...

Dirk Baldwin

  • Dean Emeritus
  • College of Business, Economics, and Computing Department
  • Ph.D., Texas Tech University, 1989
  • EMAIL: baldwin@uwp.edu
Dirk Baldwin


  • Database Management
  • Information Technology Planning
  • Community Based Research
Dean of the College of Business, Economics, and Computing and Professor of MIS. Published in journals such as Journal of MIS and IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics. Has written books on MS Access and has developed information systems for several organizations. Chair of the Information Technology Practice Center.

Teaching Interests

Commonly teach classes in database management systems, project management, enterprise systems and business process improvement. Interested in teaching any class related to use of technology to help improve organizational performance. Frequently use community based learning as part of course curriculum. Teach in both face-to-face and online formats.

Research Interests

The design of multiple view systems and decisions support systems. The use and effectiveness of community based participatory learning. Also interested in industry change as a result of information technology, project management, and the use of virtual worlds.

Consulting Interests

Developed database applications and web-based information systems for several organizations including nonprofit, small business and large organizations. Workshops and seminars related to information technology planning, business process improvement, and project management.

Selected Publications

2022: A Competency-Based Lens for Exploring Higher Education Opportunities, IGI Global (28 pp.)

2016: Expanding the Dimensions of Best Practice in CBL, Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement (51-69 pp.)

2012: "Student Perceptions of Community Engaged Participatory Learning Projects in Business Classes", European Journal of Business Research (pp. 121-127 pp.)

2010: "The Online Education Journey: Experiences of UW Parkside's Business Department", Asian Forum on Business Education (275-282 pp.)

2009: "RFID Technology as Sustaining or Disruptive Innovation: Applications in the Healthcare Industry", European Journal of Scientific Research (160-178 pp.)

2007: "Software Architectures and Requirements for a Web-Based Survey System", Modeling and Analysis of Enterprise Information Systems: Advances in Information Systems (87-109 pp.)

2007: The Business of Online Education, E-Business Process Management: Technologies and Solutions, J. Sounderpandian and T. Sinha (editors). Idea Group Publishers, Hershey, PA (16 pp.)

2000: Applications Development in Microsoft Access 2000, Course Technology (592 pp.)

Teaching Awards

2004: Named Wisconsin Idea Fellow by the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents (Based on interactions with community that can encompass teaching, research, and service)., Wisconsin Idea Fellow , University of Wisconsin Board of Regents

Service Awards

2009: Received the 2008-09 Community-Engaged Learning and Research Award., 2008-09 Community-Engaged Learning and Research Award, University,
2009: Received the 2008-09 Faculty Distinguished Service Award., 2008-09 Faculty Distinguished Service Award, University,

Departmental Service

: Committee Chair - MBA Curriculum and Assessment Committee
: Faculty Advisor - Beta Gamma Sigma
2010: Committee Chair - AACSB Maintenance Committee

College Service

: Committee Chair - IT Practice Center

University Service

2015: Committee Member - SOLAR stakeholders committee
2013: Committee Chair - Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Criterion 5

Professional Service

2009: Officer, Vice President - Special Interest Group in Accounting Information Systems
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