Kenneth "Kenny" French

  • Associate Professor
  • Geography and Anthropology Department
  • Ph.D., University of Nebraska, 2008
  • PHONE: (262) 595-2750
  • EMAIL:
Kenneth French

Selected Publications

2023: Political Ramifications of the Jacob Blake Shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin on the 2020 Presidential Election , Rutledge

2022: Black Lives Matter Protests, 2020, Rowman & Littlefield

2022: 2020 Montana Senatorial Election, Rowman & Littlefield

2018: 2016 Wisconsin Senatorial Election, Rowman & Littlefield

2017: Geography of American rap: rap diffussion and rap centers, GeoJournal (Springer) (14 pp.)

2015: Geography of American rap: rap diffussion and rap centers, GeoJournal (Springer) (14 pp.)

2014: Exploring socioeconomic characteristics of ethnically-divided neighbourhoods, Policy Press

2014: 2012 Wisconsin Senatorial Election, Rowman & Littlefield

2012: "Topmusica" in Rap Music: Role of Geography in Hip-Hop Music, Situating popular musics: IASPM 16th International Conference Proceedings (133-138 pp.)

ETHN 101 - Geog Amer Ethnicity/Race (DV)
ETHN 499 - Independent Study:
GEOG 100 - Physical Geog/the Environment
GEOG 101 - Geog Amer Ethnicity/Race (DV)
GEOG 105 - Contemporary Human Geography
GEOG 110 - Intro to Geog: World Regions
GEOG 360 - Urban Geography
GEOG 365 - Geography in Land Use Planning
GEOG 370 - GIS and Planning
GEOG 375 - Geography of Transportation
GEOG 494 - Internship in Geography
GEOG 499 - Independent Study:
SMGT 460 - Environment and Society
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