Dennis Kaufman, PhD

  • Professor and Department Chair
  • Economics Department
  • Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1987
  • PHONE: (262) 595-2192
  • EMAIL:
Dennis Kaufman


  • Microeconomics
  • Environmental economics
  • Economic value of nonprofit organizations
  • Pedagogical technologies
  • Residential property values
Dennis A. Kaufman, Professor and Chair of the Department of Economics, has been teaching economics at UW-Parkside since 1988. He has been nominated for the Stella C. Gray Teaching Excellence Award numerous times and received the award in 2010. Prof. Kaufman’s primary field is microeconomics and he has published articles in refereed professional journals on economics pedagogy, public economics, real estate economics, and environmental economics. He has been involved in several community-based learning projects, including investigating the economic impacts of brownfields, the Racine Zoo, and Lake Michigan on residential property values. Furthermore, he has collaborated in the development of a number of web-based interactive economic graphs and tutorials for online economics courses and programs. He enjoys photography, woodworking, traveling, visiting U.S. national parks, playing bass guitar, and restoring the native prairie and growing black walnut trees on a small family farm in eastern Kansas.

Teaching Interests

Principles of Microeconomics, Intermediate Micro Theory, Environmental Economics,
Public Economics, Managerial Economics, Pedagogical Technologies

Research Interests

Microeconomic Theory, Theory of Public Goods and Externalities, Environmental Economics, Real-estate Economics

Consulting Interests

Pedagogical technologies and innovations

Selected Publications

2010: Attracting 'Otherwise Bright' Women to Economics: An Administrative Strategy for Small to Medium Size Economics Departments, Journal of Economics and Finance Education (1-10 pp.)

2008: Show Me the Money! An Interactive Lesson on Demand, Total Revenue and Pricing in Professional Sports, Journal of Economic Education - Online Section (p. 207 pp.)

2006: The Impact of Small Brownfields and Greenspaces of Residential Property Values, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics (19-30 pp.)

2004: The Greening of a Brownfield: A Community-Based Learning Project in Economics, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement (157-167 pp.)

2004: The Greening of a Brownfield: A Community-Based Learning Project in Economics, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement (11 pp.)

2003: The Price of Success: The Demand for an "A" in Economic Principles, Journal of Economics and Finance Education (9 pp.)

2002: Interactive Web Graphs for Principles of Economics, Journal of Economic Education (296 pp.)

2000: The WhiteNova "ThinkEconomics" Website: Interactive Graphs for Principles of Economics, WhiteNova LLC

1995: Consumption Externalities, Preference Changes, and the "Samaritan's Dilemma", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics (101-125 pp.)

1995: Negative Externalities and Welfare Improving Preference Changes, Environmental and Resource Economics (53-71 pp.)

1994: Welfare and the Private Provision of Public Goods when Altruism Increases, Public Finance Quarterly (239-257 pp.)

1991: Self-Serving Philanthropy and Pareto Optimality, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics (573-590 pp.)

Teaching Awards

2010: Received the 2009-2010 Stella Gray Teaching Excellence Award, Stella Gray Teaching Excellence Award, UW-Parkside

Departmental Service

: Chairperson - Department of Economics
: Committee Chair - Economics Executive Committee

University Service

: Committee Member - Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee
: Committee Member - Center for Environmental Studies Steering Committee
: Committee Member - Faculty Senate
2023: Committee Member - Undergraduate Task Force Group 2 (addressing learning assessment, graduate outcomes, and the value of the UW-Parkside undergraduate experience)
2023: Committee Member - Committee on Academic Planning
2018: Committee Member - Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration Search & Screen Committee
2016: Committee Member - Budget Committee
2015: Committee Member - Provost Search and Screen Committee
2015: Committee Member - Awards and Ceremonies Committee
2014: Committee Member - CBEC Dean Search and Screen Committee
2012: Committee Member - Facilities Planning Committee
2012: Committee Member - Course and Curriculum Committee
2011: Committee Member - Stella Gray Teaching Excellence Award Selection Committee
2009: Committee Member - Graduate Studies Committee
2007: Committee Member - Health, Safety and Physical Environment Committee
2006: Committee Member - Admission, Records and Student Information Committee
2005: Other - Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

Professional Service

2012: Other - Center for Economic Education

Public Service

: Committee Member - Educators Credit Union Asset and Liability Management Committee (ALCO/ALM)
ECON 101 - The American Economy
ECON 120 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 300 - Environmental Economics
ECON 320 - Intermediate Micro Theory
ECON 412 - Managerial Economics
ECON 492 - Research Experience-Economics
ECON 494 - Economics Internship
ECON 499 - Independent Study:
ECON 612 - Managerial Economics
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