Abey Kuruvilla, PhD
- Professor - Business
- Business Department
- Ph.D., University of Louisville, 2005
- PHONE: (262) 595-2105
- EMAIL: kuruvill@uwp.edu

- Ambulance Diversion
- Cross Cultural Communication
- Sustainability
- Cross Cultural Negotiation
Teaching, Research/Creative & Consulting Interests
Teaching Interests
Dr. Kuruvilla has been teaching Operations Management both at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the Department of Business since Fall 2008. Prior to this appointment, he taught briefly at Oakland University, Lawrence Tech University, and Wayne State University in adjunct positions. He also taught Operations Research at University of Louisville as a graduate student, and currently teaches in the collaborative University of Wisconsin online Sustainable Management program. Dr. Kuruvilla has been invited to deliver lectures and continues to hold visiting positions at Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Finland; University of Calabria, Italy, and University of Salento, Italy.
Research Interests
Dr. Kuruvilla's primary research interests are Ambulance Diversion in Emergency Medical Systems and Sustainable Tourism Management. He has presented his research in various conferences worldwide and his work is published in European Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, Asian Forum for Business Education Journal and the Journal of Current Research in Global Business. Dr. Kuruvilla has also developed a new research interest in the area of Human Aspects of Operations Management, particularly cross-cultural communication in virtual projects. An integral part of his research work involves students. Both his undergraduate and graduate students have presented research at significant events in the State of Wisconsin and on the National level.
Consulting Interests
Dr. Kuruvilla is a consultant for Aperian Global, helping several global companies like Kohler, Navistar, John Deere, Accenture, and Michelin with productivity and cross-cultural issues while offshoring operations. Dr Kuruvilla has also served on the Scientific Advisory Board of the King County Healthcare Coalition, Seattle as a subject-matter expert in Ambulance Diversion issues. In the last four years, he has worked on over 150 projects with his students, helping local companies in the area improve their operations.
Selected Publications
2020: Optimal Pathways for Technology Integration towards Blended Learning - Case Study of a Non-Traditional School in Illinois, United States, International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change
2020: Puoi fare lo sconto? (Can You do a Discount?) – A New Model for Experiential Business Study Abroad., Business Education Innovation Journal (49-56 8 pages. pp.)
2020: Logistics and Sustainability: A Comparative Analysis of a Global Logistics Corporation and a Global Tractor Producer, International Conference on Sustainable Globalization (220-226 pp.)
2018: Is recycling worth it? , Mahatma Gandhi University (402 pp.)
2018: Usage of Assistive Technology in Higher Education , Mahatma Gandhi University (401 pp.)
2016: Barrier Free Tourism in Tourism destinations of Kerala, India: An Access Audit, California Business Review
2016: THE SOUND OF A HEARTBEAT: Of Life and Friendships and Students, Common Ground Publishing
2015: Role of Social Media as an influencer in Travel decision making among foreign tourists visiting Kerala, International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators (59-71 pp.)
2015: A New Algorithm for Minimizing Makespan on Identical Parallel Machines, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS)
2012: Best Practices in Initiating Online Programs at Public Institutions, Business Education Innovation Journal (121-127 pp.)
2012: Greening the Supply Chain in Corporate America: New & Improved Directions, International Journal of Business & Management Studies (1-10 pp.)
2012: "Student Perceptions of Community Engaged Participatory Learning Projects in Business Classes", European Journal of Business Research (pp. 121-127 pp.)
2010: "The Online Education Journey: Experiences of UW Parkside's Business Department", Asian Forum on Business Education (275-282 pp.)
Selected Awards & Honors
Teaching Awards
2013: Received award for more than 200 community projects completed with students for local businesses. , Community Based Learning and Research Award, University of Wisconsin Parkside
2011: Recognized as one among 4 faculty for exceptional community based teaching at UW Parkside for 2011., Exceptional Community Based Teaching Award , Center for Community Partnerships
Research/Creative Awards
2011: Every session had a vote from the audience to select the best paper in the session. The paper "Initiating and Sustaining Online programs in public universities" won a Best in Session award., Best in Session Award, Global Conference on Business and Finance
Service Awards
2013: Committee on Advising Advising Award, Advising Award, University, UW Parkside
Key Service Activities
Departmental Service
2012: Committee Member - Entrepreneurship and Strategy Faculty Hiring Committee
University Service
: Chairperson - International Initiatives Foundation Board
: Special Institutional Assignment - Special Assistant to Chancellor for International Relations
: Committee Member - Talent and Economic Development Committee
2016: Chairperson - Italian Foundation Board
2015: Committee Member - Provost Search and Screen Committee
2015: Special Institutional Assignment - International Affairs
2012: Chairperson - Chancellor's task force to improve processes at HR department.
Professional Service
2019: Program Organizer - International Conference in Sustainable Globalization
2018: Program Coordinator - International Conference on Sustainable Globalization
UW System Service
2016: Committee Member - UW System Strategic Planning Committee - Global
Public Service
2021: Program Coordinator - Community Engaged Projects
2011: Guest Speaker - Adventures in Lifelong Learning
Courses Taught
BALM 321X - Prj Bdgt, Schdl, Qlty & Rsk Mg
BAOS 310X - Reshoring Product Manufacturng
BAOS 320X - Evltng Cmptv Priorts Op Mgmt
BAOS 321X - Imprvng Productivity in Ops
BUS 466 - Global Negotiations & Supp Rel
BUS 494 - Internship in Business
MBA 715 - Advanced Operations Management
MBA 794 - Internship
QM 210 - Business Statistics I
QM 319 - Operations Management
QM 319 - Operations Mgmt Principles