Late Fees

Paying your tuition and fees is an important responsibility. Late fees are assessed for all students who pay tuition and fees after the due date. Each term has its own due date for payments, and the current deadline is available on the Cashier's Office homepage, in your SOLAR account, or by visiting the Cashier's Office. 

Visit or contact us with any questions you might have regarding late fees and other related matters. We are here to help you!

Late Fee and Interest Amounts

The assessment for late fees (administrative expense fee) for all students paying tuition and fees after the due date is $6.25 per credit to a $75 maximum.

Students who have not paid their tuition and fees in full or have not successfully enrolled in a payment plan by the due date will begin accruing a 1% per month delinquency charge (interest) on their unpaid balance.

Academic Consequences of Unpaid Balances

A HOLD will remain on the student's records until the account balance is:

Balance of $1,500 or more:
  • Student can drop but cannot add courses
  • Student cannot register for future semesters

While you are able to make payment arrangements with the Cashier's Office to pay your past due balance, the hold will remain on the account until the balance is paid in full.

Collections for Delinquent Accounts

The university refers seriously delinquent accounts to the State Debt Collection Agency. Any collection costs incurred by the university will be added to the student's account. Approximately 15-30% of the current balance is added to the account for collection fees.

Accounts sent to an agency for collection and later appealed will still pay the collection costs if appeal is granted.

Waived or Reduced Late Fees

Late fees may be waived or reduced upon written request for the following reasons:

  • If only amount unpaid are due to penalty fees,
  • Delay in Financial Aid disbursement is confirmed from the Financial Aid office is not because of student action or inaction,
  • Student has federally mandated multiple disbursements.

For reasons other than those mentioned above, an email must be sent to the Cashier's Office for review. Students must state why they think a Late Fee Waiver is warranted and, if available, supply documentation backing up their claim. 

Contact the Cashier's Office for more information.

UW-System Policy 805 C.1

UW-Parkside assesses late fees (administrative expense fees) in accordance to policy guidelines determined by the University of Wisconsin System. If you are interested to learn more about the UW System policy, we have included the related policy below. 

According to UW-System Policy 805 C.1: Total tuition and segregated fees are due on the date established by the institution, but not later than the tenth day of classes. Students who have not paid fees in full, or entered into a partial payment plan, shall be presumed to be on a cash basis. Students are to be assessed an administrative services fee, not to exceed $100, if full payment of fees currently due is made after the established due date. At the institution’s option, the administrative assessment may be prorated for students less than full time. The administrative assessment shall be deposited to Fund 128. The chancellor or designee has the option of reducing or waiving the fee on a case-by-case basis.

Continued enrollment in, and attendance at, the university is contingent upon payment of all applicable tuition and fees under terms established and approved by the university. Each campus may exercise an option to conduct cancellation of registration or administrative withdrawal for nonpayment until the end of any session week within the refund period. Exceptions should be documented. The institution has the authority to reregister students who have had their registration cancelled or who have been administratively withdrawn upon the payment of the appropriate amount of tuition and segregated fees, administrative assessments, and any re-registration or late registration penalty consistent with the policy of that institution and the UW System. Institutions may establish separate due dates for registration and payment of fees for students enrolled exclusively in an off-campus or late-starting credit course. Failure to pay fees or make satisfactory arrangements to pay within this period shall result in cancellation of registration or administrative withdrawal.

Contact Us


Wyllie Hall
900 Wood Rd. 
Kenosha, WI 53144

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