Voice for the Defenseless

Student Contact
Nina Pelli  |  pelli010@rangers.uwp.edu
Lindsey Brown  |  brown378@rangers.uwp.edu

Nicole Ryan  |  sturdeva@uwp.edu

Meeting Information
Every other Monday  |  5-6pm  |  MOLN L140

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Members of Voice for the Defenseless work to save lives threatened by induced abortion, euthanasia, and the destruction of human embryos for research. In furtherance of these goals, members seek to promote respect for life at University of Wisconsin - Parkside and on a local, state, and national level, to educate on life issues, to help those in need so that life is a promising choice, and to work with others who share common goals.

Check our Instagram page for meeting dates. (@voiceforthedefenseless)

Partner of Students for Life

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