Thank you to all of our partners for making the Big Read a success!

Book distribution sites are marked with *

3rd Coast Bike *

210 Third St., Racine moving to 401 Sixth St., Racine 

Carthage College

2001 Alford Park Dr., Kenosha

Downtown Kenosha (2nd Saturdays)

D.P. Wigley *

234 Wisconsin Ave., Racine

Educator's Credit Union

900 Wood Road, Kenosha

Festival of Cartooning

Friends of the UW-Parkside Library
Gateway Technical College *

400 County Rd. H, Elkhorn
3520 30th Ave., Kenosha
1001 S. Main St., Racine

Harborside Common Grounds

5159 6th Ave., Kenosha 

Hawthorn Hollow

880 Green Bay Rd., Kenosha

Kenosha Public Library *

7979 38th Ave., Kenosha
1500 27th Ave., Kenosha
711 59th Pl., Kenosha
2419 63rd St., Kenosha

Kenosha Public Library Foundation

P.O. Box 1414, Kenosha

Kenosha Literacy Council

2419 63rd St., Kenosha

Kenosha Unified School District

3600 52nd St., Kenosha

Lemon Street Gallery

4601 Sheridan Rd., Kenosha

Linnea Bakery

512 56th St., Kenosha

Public Craft Brewing Company

716 58th St., Kenosha

Racine Literacy Council

734 Lake Ave, Racine

Racine Public Library *

75 Seventh St., Racine

Racine Public Library Foundation

75 Seventh St., Racine

Racine Unified School District

3109 Mt. Pleasant St., Racine

RG Productions

Rustic Road Brewing Company

510 56th St., Kenosha

Straylight Magazine

UW-Parkside Library *

900 Wood Road, Kenosha

Woman's Club of Kenosha

6028 8th Ave., Kenosha

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