COMMversations: Open Topic...maybe election related

November 04, 2020
1 pm - 2 pm
Virtual (Teams)

Every Wednesday at 1 pm 

What we do and how we create community in the communication department has changed. While there are fewer random conversations in the hallways or before or after classes, we still wish to be connected with you and to help you stay connected with and informed about the department.

And, students interested in majoring in communication or studying any of our many minors and certificates are always welcome!

Think of COMMversations as an open office hour with ALL of the faculty in the Communication Department. Each week will focus on a theme, and there will also be time set aside for any questions you have or just to chat and virtually mingle with department staff and other students.

This COMMversation topic is: Open Topic...maybe election related

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Theresa Castor
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