4th of July Parades Information
Thank you all for joining us to help bring the UW-Parkside 50 Years Celebration to the Kenosha, Racine, and Somers 4th of July Parades!
Below you will find exact details on where and what time to meet for your specific parade, what to wear, where to pick up your shirts, and any other details.
NOTE: Parking/Drop-off and Pick-up … The starting and ending points of each parade are quite some distance apart. If you plan to park near the start of the parade (staging area) please make arrangements for a ride back to the staging area when each parade has ended or make arrangements to be dropped off at the starting point and picked up at the end point of each parade.
Kenosha Parade (July 1):
Please note that we are in Division 3
Staging Location: Division 3 lines up on northbound 24th Ave., just south of 65th St., as well as on eastbound 64th St. Please arrive at the staging area by 11:30 AM
Please see Kenosha- Arrival Directions, Kenosha Staging Area, and Kenosha Parades Map.
Racine Parade (July 4):
Staging Location: N. Main Street, north of the Racine Zoo; approximately the 2600 block of N. Main; you must be in the staging area by 8:15 AM (Please try to arrive by 8:00 AM)
Please see Racine Parade Information and Racine Parade Rules and Map for more information.
Somers Parade (July 4):
Staging Location: Shoreland Lutheran H. S., 9026 - 12th Street; you must be in the staging area by 1:30 p.m. at the very latest Parade begins at 2 p.m.
Somers parade information
Where to pick up shirts: You have the option of either picking up your shirt(s) before the parades, or the day of. If you decide to pick up your shirt the day of the parade, please be sure to arrive at least 15 minutes before the official staging time.
Shirt pick-up location before the parades: UW-Parkside Student Activities and Engagement Office in the Student Center until Thursday, June 28; pick-up time 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM
When you arrive, please let the person at the front desk know that you are there to pick up your 4th of July shirt(s). Please be ready to provide your name, number of shirts you will need, and shirt sizes.
(You may wash your shirts before the parades if desired)
What to wear: Please wear either white, black, khaki, or jean bottoms. You may wear pants or shorts. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes as we will be doing a lot of walking! Please be sure to wear an appropriate undershirt for changing.
Additional Information:
· There will be cold water provided
· Please make sure to eat before the parades and stay hydrated
· There will be a shuttle bus just in case anyone needs to take a short break
· Each participant will be given a small flag to wave during the parade
· Please be sure to provide strollers for your little ones if needed
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please see contact information below.
Kamala Burks, (burks@uwp.edu), Office: (262) 595-2784
Tabitha Echols, (echols003@rangers.uwp.edu), Cell: (262) 484-2562
John Mielke, (mielke@uwp.edu), Cell: (262) 902-9355
For emergencies, you may contact Tabitha or John by cell.
We look forward to seeing you all the day of the parades!