App-solutely Amazing Opportunities at Parkside!
Parkside Professors Derek Riley and Tim Knautz have been working with their students to create a helpful new phone App for the bus riders of Kenosha. They have teamed up with the Kenosha Area Transit to post QR codes at all of the bus stops so that anyone with the App can scan them and find out when the next bus is coming. This App very helpful for those of us who don't carry around bus schedules.
Professor Riley has an amazing team of students working on this project. Students Matt Zygowicz, Valerie Burglind, and Andrew Foxworth designed and tested the App. To test the App, students paired up and traveled along the bus line to each bus stop to scan the codes and make sure everything works properly. Creating this App is providing a great opportunity for the students to get involved in the process and use the experience as a springboard to landing future jobs.
After tons of hard work in the App Factory, the new App has been released to the public! It is available to anyone with an Android phone in the Google Play Store and will soon be available for iPhones.