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50 years and counting!


Highlights of UW-Parkside's Celebration of 50 Years: 2018-19


Thank you to the many alumni who joined us for these special events!


Anna Maria Williams Nature Trail Rededication


UW-Parkside hosted a rededication event for the campus Anna Maria Williams Nature Trail. Dr. Anna Maria Williams played a leading role in establishing the pre-med and pre-health program, as well as the nature trail – both of which continue to thrive today.

Rededication Gallery

Anna Maria Williams Nature Trail Rededication

New bronze trail marker.
Susan Cable ’81 and the UW-Parkside team leading recent trail improvements

Susan Cable ’81 and the UW-Parkside team leading recent trail improvements


Founders Day


UW-Parkside’s 50th “birthday party.” Students, faculty, staff, elected officials, and community members joined to kick off the 50th anniversary year.

Founder's Day Gallery

SEPTEMBER 2018 Founders Day

Chancellor Debbie Ford cuts the cake. Also pictured (l-r): Jason Meekma ‘05, Jennie Tunkieicz ’87, Village of Somers President George Stoner, Alan Karls.
UW-Parkside 50 Years cake


Board of Regents Meeting


UW-Parkside hosted the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents and showcased many university points of pride, including the achievements of female students in STEM disciplines, the new Digital Design and Fabrication Lab, and our legacy of community and business engagement.

BOR Gallery

OCTOBER 2018 Board of Regents Meeting

Bianca Ruffolo ’19 discusses her research and experience in the health field. Also pictured (l-r): Chloe Calderon ’19, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences Dr. Traci Lee, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Dr. Daryl Sauer ‘84.
20817:(04) Dr. Jeffrey Medin ’85 (Medical College of Wisconsin), Michael Bond (Snap-on Incorporated), and Brian French (CNH Industrial)

Dr. Jeffrey Medin ’85 (Medical College of Wisconsin), Michael Bond (Snap-on Incorporated), and Brian French (CNH Industrial) represented corporate partners on a panel highlighting UW-Parkside’s talent and academic relationships in the community.


50 Years Gala


The UW-Parkside Foundation and the university partnered to celebrate the anniversary and raise funds for the new Future Focus Scholarship, with leading anniversary sponsorship support from Johnson Financial Group and Snap-on Incorporated.

Gala Gallery

Stephanie VanDerBunt ’12, ’13 MBA

Stephanie VanDerBunt ’12, ’13 MBA.
Julie Kinzelman ‘84 and former Assistant Chancellor John Jaraczewski

Julie Kinzelman ‘84 and former Assistant Chancellor John Jaraczewski.
Members of the Cariello family and friends

Members of the Cariello family and friends celebrate at the 50 Years Gala, including alumni Elaine Hovley-Ostrov ’78, Dominic Cariello ’92, Matthew Cariello ’13, and Jeana (Frederickson) Cariello ’13.

MAY 2019

Alan E. Guskin Center for Community & Business Engagement Dedication


UW-Parkside recognized the legacy of community engagement and leadership established by Alan Guskin, who served as Chancellor 1975 to 1985. The event included a panel discussion featuring faculty, staff, and alumni from “the Guskin era” and the dedication of the Alan E. Guskin Center for Community & Business Engagement at UW-Parkside.

Jim Kreuser ’83, ’86 MPA shares remarks at the panel

Jim Kreuser ’83, ’86 MPA shares remarks at the panel.
Jan Oechler-Kirschbaum ’82 shares remarks at the panel

Jan Oechler-Kirschbaum ’82 shares remarks at the panel.
Former UW-Parkside Chancellor Alan Guskin and Chancellor Debbie Ford.

Former UW-Parkside Chancellor Alan Guskin and Chancellor Debbie Ford.
Former UW-Parkside Chancellor Alan Guskin.

Former UW-Parkside Chancellor Alan Guskin.
Craig Young ’76 and Emeritus Professor of Computer Science & Engineering Dr. George Perdikaris.

Craig Young ’76 and Emeritus Professor of Computer Science & Engineering Dr. George Perdikaris.

MAY 2019

Traditions of Excellence


UW-Parkside’s annual Traditions of Excellence event honored the 2019 Distinguished Alumni and recognized current students for their academic achievements.

Traditions of Excellence Gallery

2019 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients

2019 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients: Front row (l-r): Rhonda Brock-Servais ‘90, Sabrina Morgan ‘03, Corinne Engelman ‘95, Gina Schueneman ‘98. Back row (l-r): Randy Bryant ‘80, David Hale ‘80. Not pictured: Craig Young ’76.
Chancellor Debbie Ford, Kristine Young Strange ’74, and family of Craig Young ’76

Chancellor Debbie Ford, Kristine Young Strange ’74, and family of Craig Young ’76

MAY 2019



The Class of 2019 celebrates!

Thomas Krummel ’73

Thomas Krummel ’73 shares Commencement remarks with the class of 2019 after receiving an honorary doctor of science degree.
four graduates
happy graduate
two happy graduates
Two male graduates
Mortar board that reads - This degree runs on Dunkin
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