Winter & Spring Geoscience Courses
Published: October 7, 2014
By: Dr. Headley
As the fall semester winds down, it's time to start thinking about spring. You can find the schedule for spring geoscience courses on the Parkside course schedule.
For your scheduling interests, here's the breakdown of the courses offered along with the majors they count for requirements for:
Winter 2015
- GEOS 100: Earth in Perspective (online; Gen. Ed.; Geos. Earth Science Concentration)
- GEOS 103: Environmental Science: Earth Resource Approach (online; Gen. Ed; Environmental Studies Core; both Geos. Concentrations)
Spring 2015
- GEOS 102: Origin and History of Earth (Geos. Core)
- GEOS 104: Introductory Geology Lab (Geos. Core)
- GEOS 106: Great Lakes Water Resources (Gen. Ed.; Environmental Studies Minor Elective; both Geos. Concentrations)
- GEOS 109: Fundamentals of Global Climate Change (Gen. Ed.; both Geos. Concentrations))
- GEOS 330: Environmental Geology (both Geos. Concentrations)
- GEOS 355: Stratigraphy & Sedimentation (Geos. Core)
- GEOS 420: Glacial Geology (Geos. Earth Science Concentration; Environmental Studies Elective)
- GEOS 495: Senior Seminar (Geos. Core)