Welcome to the 2020-21 Academic Year!
Dear Rangers,
Welcome to the 2020-21 academic year and start of the Fall 2020 semester at UW-Parkside! On behalf of the faculty and staff, we wish you the very best as you pursue your academic goals as a member of the UW-Parkside learning community. While this academic year is significantly different as a result of the ongoing pandemic and the transition of most classes, programs and services to a virtual setting, our mission remains the same - to provide you with high-quality educational programs, creative and scholarly activities, and services responsive to our diverse student population and our local, national, and global communities.
UW-Parkside's core values of academic excellence, student success, diversity and inclusion, and community engagement guide us as we deliver our mission and support you on your pathway to a University degree. These values are embedded into our curriculum, our programs, our services and our interactions with one another. Our faculty and staff believe in you and want your learning experience to be truly rewarding and transformative both inside and outside of the classroom.
Dignity and respect are foundational characteristics of the UW-Parkside learning community and core to how we engage with one another. Diversity extends beyond race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, socio-economic status, and religion to include diversity of thoughts, perspectives, and views. It is through education that we open our minds to different perspectives and begin to see the world in new ways. At UW-Parkside we will continue to engage in open and frank conversations as we wrestle with and learn more deeply about today’s complex social issues. We will not always agree with one another, but we can and should demonstrate respect for our diverse perspectives.
As we begin the Fall semester, the health and safety of our campus community are of utmost importance as we work to reduce the spread of COVID-19. For this to work, we all must do our part by:
- Practicing the 3 Ws
- Wearing your mask / face covering
- Watching your distance
- Washing your hands
- Monitoring for symptoms daily
- Staying at home or in your residence hall / apartment if you are not feeling well
- Calling the Student Health & Counseling Center at 595-2366 to discuss your symptoms with one of the medical providers
Please review the COVID-19 Supplement in your Student Handbook for additional information and visit the Ranger Restart website regularly for up-to-date information related to our response to COVID-19.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and GO RANGERS!
Dr. Debbie Ford
Dr. Tammy McGuckin
Vice Provost for Student Affairs & Enrollment Services