Fast Facts: Student and Faculty Profile
Student Facts
Total Student Enrollment,
Fall 2024
- Undergraduate Full-Time: 2,314 (72.2%)
- Undergraduate Part-Time: 893 (27.8%)
- Undergraduate Total: 3,207 (100%)
- Graduate Full-Time: 168 (22.7%)
- Graduate Part-Time: 573 (77.3%)
- Graduate Total: 741 (100%)
- Average age of full-time undergraduate students: 21.5 years old
- Percentage of undergraduate students 25 years and older: 19.8%
- Male: 1,763 (44.7%)
- Female: 2,184 (55.3%)
- Other/Unknown: 1 (<0.1%)
- White: 2,341 (59.3%)
- Hispanic: 774 (19.6%)
- African American: 340 (8.6%)
- Asian: 141 (3.6%)
- American Indian or Alaskan Native: 9 (0.2%)
- Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0
- Unknown: 42 (1.1%)
- International: 97 (2.5%)
- Two or more race/ethnicities, non-Hispanic: 204 (5.2%)
- Total Underrepresented Minority: 1,299 (32.9%)
Income/First-Generation Status
Degree-seeking Undergraduates
- Pell Grant eligible: 43.1%
- First-generation students: 48.8%
Geographic Distribution
Percentage of first-time, first-year degree seeking freshmen who live in Wisconsin: 83.5%
Retention of Fall 2023 first-time, full-time students to Fall 2024: 68.7%
First-time, First-year Freshmen
- Total Complete Applications: 2,048
- Total Admitted: 1,997 (97.5%)
- Total Enrolled: 522 (26.1% of Admitted)
Transfer Students
- Total Complete Applications: 525
- Total Admitted: 515 (98.1%)
- Total Enrolled: 330 (64.1% of Admitted)
Student Life
First-time, First-year Freshmen
- Percentage who live on campus: 41.2%
- Average age of full-time students: 18.7 years old
Faculty Facts
Faculty and Instructor Type:
- Full-Time: 130
- Part-Time: 115
Members of Minority Groups:
- Full-Time: 38 (31.3%)
- Part-Time: 24 (20.9%)
- Male: 118 (48.2%)
- Female: 126 (51.4%)
International (Excluding Naturalized): 3 (1.2%)
Faculty and Instructors with a Terminal Degree*:
- Full-Time: 108 (83.1%)
- Part-Time: 24 (20.9%)
Student to Faculty Ratio, Fall 2024: 16:1
*A terminal degree is the highest academic degree in a given field of study
Data Source: 2024 Common Dataset File