CNHS Program Sponsorship
Sponsorship of this event is a great vote of confidence in our mission and it will generate marketing and social benefits for you and your business. The full color printed program will be distributed to all guest at the Summer Alumni Celebration Event.
Ad size and pricing options:
Full Page, prime placement - inside cover or back cover (5" x 8") - $300
Full Page, (5" x 8") - $250
Half Page (5" x 4") - $125
Quarter Page (2.5" x 4") - $75
Business Card Size (3.5" x 2") - $50
The event will provide networking opportunities for alumni, current students and faculty, increase awareness of CNHS, and raise funds for scholarships to students and college needs. For an example of program layout and ad scale, please click on the program links to the right of this information.
Please submit finished ad design, logo, or ad copy as a high resolution PDF or JPEG file. Forward all content and questions to Ruth Tylock - or call 262-595-2977.