The Communication Department curriculum is designed around six learning goals that are intended to help you become a skilled communicator: 


performing excellent written, oral, and nonverbal communication interpersonally and professionally, in order to strengthen their ability to understand self and others


integrating race, class, gender, sexuality and other forms of difference in his/her personal and professional communication 


creating, critiquing, and interpreting messages in oral, written, digital, and visual formats 


adapting and performing his/her oral, written, and/or nonverbal behavior in consideration of multiple contexts


analyzing beliefs, values, and assumptions in personal and professional life


asking and answering meaningful questions using multiple methods and rigorous criteria

Sample class projects to achieve the above goals:
  • Organize a special event to raise funds for a local nonprofit organization
  • Interview hospice patients to capture and preserve their life stories to share as a legacy with family and friends.
  • Teach conflict management skills to high school students, homeless shelter clients, and/or professionals.
  • Develop a social media presence of an organization
  • Produce a short documentary
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