Ranger Fitness and Wellness
Exercise Science students engaged in a community-based learning (CBL) experience as a part of their Fitness Program Management course. They worked with UW-Parkside Human Resources (Mary Draeger and Dalinda Galaviz) and UW-Parkside Student Activities (Carol Dalton) to identify current health and fitness needs. As a result, they created 13 different recorded exercise classes, and the Ranger Wellness Games for our campus community. Just like the Tokyo Olympics had to be changed to this year, they had to adjust what they were going to provide to meet the current needs and challenges of the pandemic. They chose the Olympic theme of five rings or five main areas to focus on to create the Ranger Wellness Games. Ultimately they identified areas that are important to the fitness and wellbeing of our campus community at this time:
- Nutrition Information
- Desk workouts
- HITT workout
- Yoga
- Mental Health
Peruse and participate in one or more of the variety of exercise classes provided and explore the five different topics in the Ranger Wellness Games. After you do that, check out what you learned by taking the final Kahoot game, where you can win some cool UW-Parkside prizes. It will be available from midnight on May 1 through midnight on May 15.
Penny Lyter
Faculty Director of Community-Based Learning,
Academic Director of Master of Science in Health and Wellness Management, Professor
If you need help getting started, check out the links below the exercise classes for “Tips for Getting Motivated” And remember to click through the many links to the other information provided for you. Remember the most important thing is to take care of yourself and keep active. Please listen to your body and exercise safely. Read the “Working out Disclaimer” before you begin doing any exercises.
Working out Disclaimer
Working out Disclaimer - Agreement for Assumption of Risk, Indemnification, Release
Physical exercise, in all of its forms and with or without the use of equipment such as blocks, weights, or any other equipment that may be used by an instructor in the HESM 430 Fitness Program Management class is a strenuous physical activity. Accordingly, you are urged and advised to seek the advice of a physician before beginning any physical exercise regimen, routine, program, or using any suggested equipment shown in any of the videos. The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is not a medical organization and its students cannot give you medical advice or diagnosis. All suggestions and comments relating to the use of equipment, poses, moves and instruction are not required to be performed by you and are carried out at your election while viewing these videos. Nothing contained herein should be constructed as any form of such medical advice or diagnosis.
By using this content, you represent that you understand that physical exercise involves strenuous physical movement, and that such activity carries the risk of injury whether physical or mental. You understand that it is your responsibility to judge your physical and mental capabilities for such activities. It is your responsibility to ensure that by participating in classes and activities, you will not exceed your limits while performing such activity, and you will select the appropriate level of classes for your skills and abilities, as well as for any mental or physical conditions and/or limitations you have. You understand that instructors may suggest physical adjustments or the use of equipment, and it is your sole responsibility to determine if any such suggested adjustment or equipment is appropriate for your level of ability and physical and mental condition. You expressly waive and release any claim that you may have at any time for injury of any kind arising out of your participation in a University of Wisconsin-Parkside program or any person or entity involved with the University or State of Wisconsin.
By participating in any of the exercise videos you agree to the following:
Assumption of Risks:
I understand that not all risks can be foreseen and there are some risks which are unpredictable. I understand that certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. I am aware of the risks of participation, which include, but are not limited to, the possibility of physical injury, fatigue, bruises, contusions, broken bones, concussion, paralysis, and even death. I understand that I am advised to have health and accident insurance in effect and that no such coverage is provided for me by the University or the State of Wisconsin. I know, understand, and appreciate the risks that are inherent in the exercise classes provided on our campus website. I hereby assert that my participation is voluntary and that I knowingly assume all such risks.
Hold Harmless, Indemnity and Release:
In consideration of my participation in these activities, I, for myself, spouse, heirs, personal representatives, estate or assigns, agree to defend, hold harmless, indemnify and release the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, the University of Wisconsin- Parkside, and their officers, employees, agents, volunteers, and all others who are involved, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action of any sort on account of damage to personal property, or personal injury, or death which may result from my participation in the above-listed program. This release includes claims based on the negligence of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, and their officers, employees, agents, and volunteers, but expressly does not include claims based on their intentional misconduct or gross negligence. I understand that by voluntarily agreeing to participating in these exercise classes, that I am releasing claims and giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue.
Full Body Workout with One Dumbbell
Abi Marcquenski
Get your workout in for the day in under 30 minutes, anywhere, anytime, with little to no equipment. This is a full body workout targeting major muscle groups with just one dumbbell or any weighted object.
Flipping for Fun
Jacob Fairbanks
Do you want to tumble or do flips but don't know where to start?! Well, this class is just for you! We will go over the basic positions that are done in flipping/tumbling as well as how to do handstands, cartwheels, and roundoffs. Simple strength exercises will also be included to make these three skills easier in the future.
Ranger Flow
Ashley Borgardt
This 30-35 minute BodyFlow class consists of yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates movements that is appropriate for those of any fitness level. All you need is a yoga mat, tight workout clothes, and water (or towel/carpet, whatever you feel most comfortable in). Come join for a nice study or workday break to relax, recover, and reset!
De-stress and Decompress Yoga
Janel Katzer
The turmoil of COVID-19 has added stress to our lives as we are still recovering from its detrimental effects. De-stress and decompress with this 20-minute calming full body stretch/yoga routine and alleviate all of your worries.
HIIT with Treadmill
Tony Vitek
Use this short and intense workout to burn fat. Don’t have a treadmill, you can substitute a stationary bicycle or elliptical.
Stretching and Recovery
Marcos Calderon
Recovering is as important as working out. Our body needs to relax and recover from all the effort done during workouts. This is a great class for recovery and stretching for those who are injured or sore, or for those who just want to improve flexibility. Try out a few or a lot of the many stretching movements shared.
Insane Gainz! Anytime, Anywhere!
Mark Mendoza, Zachary Johnson
Try this upper and lower bodyweight circuit that can be done anytime and anywhere. Modifications are provided for various fitness levels.
Intro to BJJ Solo Drills
Stephen Wheeler
Learn some of the basics of self-defense movements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu that can be done at home on your own. Not only is it a great work-out, but you will also fully understand the purpose of each movement and its real-life application – without needing a second person.

Move Your Way tips for adults and children
Move Your Way Video
Everyone needs physical activity to stay healthy, but it can be difficult to get started. Watch this video for some motivation tips. There is also an interactive tool available to build your personalized weekly activity plan.

Questions and answers about about staying active while social distancing.
How it is still possible to spend time outside while practicing social distancing
Some outdoor activities you can do while still social distancing
Social distancing while being outdoors
Health tips and 15 different outdoor activities!
Boosting your fitness while still practicing social distance
Physical exercise to fight mental and physical COVID-19 consequences
Cleveland Clinic
How to workout at home during coronavirus
Getting fit while being outdoors!
Runners World
Running safely outside during coronavirus
ACE Fitness
HIIT and tabata workouts outside! Very good info for RPE and how to gauge the workout.
Body Attack
Intense workout videos to follow along!

American Heart Association
Description of stretches from American heart association
Thorough description + videos of stretches to increase flexibility
Ace Fitness
Flexibility for beginners
Beginner Stretching
To increase flexibility
Stretching for Stress Relief
Simple stretching
American Heart Association
Simple stretching for activities of daily living.
Mayo Clinic
Simple safe stretching
Stretches to do everyday to relieve stress
Truth about stretching, how and when to stretch
Very Well Fit
Full body stretches

TikTok Dances
Learn TikTok dances at home. This is very popular right now for people of all ages, it is also very fun for families to do together during quarantine!
Refinery 29
Easy Cardio workouts to do in your living room from a variety of sources.
Los Angeles Times
Reputable sources of online dance from the Los Angeles Times.
Time Magazine
Research Indicating the multiple health benefits of dance as a form of daily exercise.
Reader's Digest
Fun dance theme video games and apps to use for all ages and experience levels.
Vanity Fair
The dance community is using their live features on social media to dance together during the pandemic.
Several genres of dance included in one article.
Medline Plus
Basic medical recommendations for beginning dance, and the health benefits it provides
Self-care blog wrote a literature review about the benefits of dance for our society!
Kennedy Center
Education Digital Learning - Dance
African Dance
Professional Choreographers | A few favorites
Matt Steffanina
Matt Steffanina is a very famous choreographer, he has worked with several celebrities, his dances are for everyone.
Ysabelle Captule
Ysabelle Captule is a young female choreographer who has a very unique style, she can dance expressing her femininity and masculinity in a beautiful way. She creates an acceptable environment for people of all genders, sexualities, race and backgrounds to join together.
Aliya Janelle
Aliya Janelle is a very passionate dancer, her dances are based in feminine energy and stilettos! A warning, her content is appropriate for people 16 years and older. I love her high energy and ability to make everyone feel glamorous and confident in the body they are in.
When it comes to learning a whole lot of cool moves from dance, martial arts and yoga this class is the way to go. Each 20 or 40-minute class is jam-packed with cool music and foundation fitness moves and fun games. This is sure to leave the kids (and parents) feeling great!

YMCA 360
Provides a variety of exercise classes for kids to do with their families to get them off the couch, relieve their energy and stay active.
PBS Kids
PBS kids is providing different activities for kids online to continue their learning through activities in fun ways! Fun for kids under 8. PBS is also providing a newsletter you can sign up for to help your kids at home continue to get active and learn during quaratine!
Joe Wicks | Fitness Coach
Joe is making videos for kids while in quarantine + other workout videos for kids to do at home as a replacement for P.E. class.
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Yoga for kids 3+ that is fun and entertaining to teach them about stretching and get them active.
Kidz Bop | Dance Along for Dance Breaks
Kids Bop provides different types of dances (like the game JUST DANCE) kids can follow along to for breaks during their learning to burn off some energy! Fun for kids of all ages
Supplies different videos of activities for kids to do, follow along workouts made for kids and other types of fun videos to keep them entertained. Fun for kids of all ages!
Provides different types of workouts to get done in a quick 20-minutes for kids, as another replacement for P.E. class! Fun for kids 5+. (Is usually a paid service , but is offering free 20-minute workout videos for kids.)
Fitness Blender
Offers a free 25-minute video of exercise workout games for kids, directed to increase bone density, endurance, balance and strength! Fun for kids 5+ and their families.
Family fun cardio workout + workouts for older youth
Workout videos for all ages and of all different kinds of exercises to do in the comfort of your home! Fun for families to do together (with kids of any age) and kids 7+ (alone)!
Yoga For Kids
Free yoga for kids; teaching them about mindfulness, stretching, improving balance and relieving stress. Fun for kids of all ages!

Mayo Clinic
Mayo clinic recommendations and ideas for fitting fitness in your workday.
Mayo Clinic
Desk Stretches: Videos
Thirty three Exercises you can do at work, even if you work in a cubicle.
Web MD
Exercises you can do at your desk, somewhat inconspicuously.
Web MD
Five-minute office exercise video
Discrete Exercises you can do at your desk.
Jeffrey Harrison
Exercises you can do at work, programmed by a certified strength and conditioning specialist.
Whole Life Challenge for Business
Ideas for a healthy lifestyle while working in an office.
Body Building
Exercises information for people who sit all day.
NASM Exercise at Home video
Cleveland Clinic
How to workout at home.

YMCA 360
Yoga page which contains many free online classes for a variety of different people
ACE Fitness
A playlist by ACE Fitness lead by Beth Shaw, featuring a few different yoga routines for you to easily follow along.
Glo is offering a free 15-day trial to new members, and offers different Yoga instructors teaching many different movements and styles of Yoga.
Do Yoga With Me
The Do Yoga With Me website is hosting a two months free trial offering all premium content.
Yoga with Adriene
Adriene is a world known Yoga instructor and has many great free workouts you can follow online at her website as well as on her YouTube channel

This video is an easy to follow yoga session. The instructor does a very nice job of explaining movements and cueing to the participants. This encourages flexibility training and lets one do so with no equipment.
This website offers lots of information regarding common issues pertaining to the elderly population. It ranges from topics such as cancer, healthy aging, and how to stay active. Honestly, this site is very helpful and covers a lot of information.
National Library Service
This website offers numerous links to a wide variety of topics related to the elderly population. It provides links to other websites covering these topics as well.
National Institute on Aging
This site looks at topics arranged in alphabetical order. Once you click on a topic, it takes you to articles offering more information from other sources.
This video takes the participant through a Silver Sneaker style full-body workout. She incorporates balance, flexibility, and strength using minimal equipment (dining room table chairs).
This page on the CDC website offers information regarding exercise they recommend for older adults. It even offers examples of different ways to achieve the recommended goal based on the types of activities that someone does.
This video offers the workout from a standing or a sitting position, which makes it very accessible to seniors of all fitness levels. The standing instructor even used small hand weights to increase the difficulty and further cater to people of all skill and physical fitness levels.
The YMCA site offers a wide variety of group exercise classes, particularly ones for older adults. One class that I found was Active Aging Adults (AAA). The music was upbeat and the activities being performed used a chair, and focused on aerobic conditioning, mobility, and flexibility.
National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health
This page on the site provides information about yoga. It is very introductory and gives the viewer a simplistic approach to something that many people may not be familiar with. Yoga is also an activity that is low-impact and not too strenuous for seniors.
National Institute On Aging
This exercise video uses weights more frequently than the previous ones I referenced. One thing that I really liked was the fact that the instructor told the audience that they can use household items if they do not have hand weights at home.

Les Mills
Provides free access for over 100 workouts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 100 workouts can be streamed at the convenience of participant whenever and wherever they please.
YMCA 360
Provides a video library of various types of workouts that are offered through the YMCA organization.
Provides participants with a new workout every day. Each day has a different theme, such as push, pull and core exercises. Workouts last around 30 minute intervals and target specific muscles groups. A list of benefits is also provided.
Offers online videos of instructors performing exercises with strength training equipment. The goal of the video is to build lean muscle for full-body conditioning with results from similar group strength classes.
Includes a list of body weight exercises and with minimal equipment for people who are seeking to stay in shape and workout from home. They provide tips on how to structure a workout, with instructional videos along with offering nutritional advice.
Provides a list of exercise ideas without any necessary equipment in order for people to stay active at least 150 minutes per week, or 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise on at least 5 separate days of the week.
Provides a list of resources covering a broad list of topics and various workouts for staying physically active during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Offering a free 90 day trial with for not only cardio workouts, but strength and yoga classes with a trainer leading the virtual instruction. You do not need a treadmill or bike in order to workout, as they offer a few different workout options for strength training with and without equipment.
Offering a list of resources and at-home exercise programs that participants can easily access. The website is mainly targeted at families, but they offer programs for parents and youth separately.
Offers over 600 free workout videos on their YouTube channel. You can also track your progress through a free online customizable workout calendar.

NY Times
We know from research that daily gratitude practice is good for us; helping us reduce stress, get better sleep, and stay healthier.
Psychology Today
How gratitude can be a powerful tool
Psychology Today
How to maintain happiness is the midst of crisis
Seven suggestions for appreciating people during the pandemic
NBC New York
Stories of gratefulness
Easing anxiety
Intentionally caring for yourself during this time
Practicing gratitude during Covid-19 (blog)
Habitual Roots
Free webinars for self-care, self-love, wellness, and meditation
Positive Psychology
This website includes a lot of options to help people with gratitude, such as podcast suggestions, quizzes, gratitude games for kids, etc. There is a lot of information for a variety of people.

General coronavirus information
CDC Guidance
How to protect yourself and others.
Situation Summary
Symptoms and testing
Johns Hopkins
COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University
Wisconsin Department of Health Services (WDHS)
General information
Outbreaks in Wisconsin Data (updated daily), briefing updates and past briefings from Governor Evers
How well Wisconsin is doing at flattening the curve with the Safer at Home order and why it’s important
Cases by county/area
Here's a shout out to Michelle, and her Girl Scout Troop in Western Washington, for using the Ranger Fitness and Wellness page as a resource this spring. They were able to use the information to help them earn their Staying Fit Badges while meeting remotely. Some of the general tasks they were asked to accomplished consists of: movement, fueling the body, stress less, learn healthy habits, and help the family stay fit.
Matt also researched virtual reality (VR) fitness for families at home. He's a member of his high school football team in the state of Maine.
Many thanks to the large community of users that have helped to share fitness around the country!