02/12/2025: Caution: Due to inclement weather all in-person classes from 4 pm onwards 02/12/25 have been canceled. Online classes continue as scheduled. MORE...

Withdrawal Fees

Withdrawal from the University (by dropping all classes)

A student may withdraw from the university during the first half of the semester. The Registrar's Office will determine comparable deadlines for courses less than a semester in length. After the deadline, a student may request permission to withdraw only for extraordinary non-academic reasons. Any such request must be completed by the last day of instruction in that semester. The request must include a written explanation and documentation if appropriate. Any such requests are to be submitted to the Advising Center for appropriate action. Students may not request a withdrawal from a completed semester. Please see Advising Center for current policy.

Dropping a class or withdrawal from the university may result in a financial obligation for tuition and fees and may necessitate repayment of financial aid.

 In addition, Federal and State regulations for financial aid require a refund calculation to occur for financial aid recipients through the 60% point of the semester. Contact the Cashier's and Financial Aid Offices for information.

Non-Attendance does not constitute withdrawal.

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Wyllie Hall
900 Wood Rd. 
Kenosha, WI 53144

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