Toolkit for Private Scholarships
Private scholarships are scholarship opportunities that are offered by organizations outside of UW-Parkside. These scholarships generally require some sort of application from the student that could include an essay, questionnaire, and additional documentation from the student. Many organizations provide these types of scholarships, and we want to make searching and applying as easy as possible for you! Here are our top tips for searching and applying for private scholarships.
Create a Scholarship Folder
With the following items readily available, you will experience a much more efficient application process. Having these items available makes it easier to apply to multiple private scholarships in a short amount of time.
Resume or List of Activities
Unofficial Transcripts
Letters of Recommendations
- Try to get at least 3
- Request the writer to address the letter openly, like “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Scholarship Review Committee”
- Ask a variety of individuals who would know you in various capacities, like employers, teachers, someone you’ve volunteered with, clergy, counselor, etc.
Pre-Written Essays
- Add essays that may be helpful in applying for scholarships (including college admission essays).
- Save these essays to your file so that you can easily identify what prompt they are addressing.
- You can edit these to meet the requirements of each scholarship application, this saves you the time of starting over.
- The most useful essays are ones that address your:
Problem-solving skills
Unique skills and experiences
Leadership skills, thoughts, opinions
Goals, world view, vision for the future
Search for Opportunities that fit YOU
Your odds of earning a scholarship are improved when you focus your efforts on opportunities closest to you (both geographically and criteria-wise.) Remember: The smaller the pool you compete against, the greater your odds of winning
- High school website
- Home town website and community foundations
- Community based organizations, non-profits, local businesses, initiative-driven organizations (Boys & Girls Club, Rotary, Kiwanis, Women’s Clubs, etc)
- Family affiliations like places of worship, employers, clubs
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
- Be admitted by February 1
- Attend Admitted Student Day and New Student Orientation
- Review the website for major-specific opportunities or requirements
- Search large companies based in your state (ex. Uline, SC Johnson, Kohler, Abbott)
- Search your county or state websites for scholarships that pertain to you or your major
- Example: Illinois CPA Society, WI -Women in STEM
- These will have the largest pool of applicants
- Narrow your search by major, ethnicity, any other distinguishing attribute which may improve your odds of selection
- Example: Latino Youth Arts Education Fund, Thurgood Marshall, Point Foundation, etc
What Happens If I Receive a Scholarship?
Follow any requirements listed by the organization, like providing proof of enrollment
Request checks be mailed to:
Attn: Cashiers Office
900 Wood Rd
Kenosha, WI 53141
Keep Applying!
Financial Aid
Office: 262-595-2574
Fax: 262-595-2216
The Commons
Wyllie Hall D1
900 Wood Road
Kenosha, WI 53144