Alumni Business - Jennie Payes

Jennie Payes
Owner | Senior Helpers Racine
2011 | Business Management
Remembering UW-Parkside
Why did you decide to attend UW-Parkside?
I was born and raised in Kenosha and wanted to stay local. I loved what UWP had to offer and that I would have some familiar faces at college with me!
Favorite UW-Parkside memory?
My favorite memory at UWP is the relationships I built with some of my classmates. I am still friends with several people I met solely through Parkside!
How did your UW-Parkside experience impact your professional or personal life?
The well-rounded course offerings through the Business Management major prepared me for life after college. I actually had our daughter in the middle of a semester while going to Parkside and was back to classes within 2 weeks because I didn’t want to miss out!
How have you been involved with UW-Parkside post-graduation?
I like to attend various sporting events and still have many friends I met while attending Parkside that I keep in touch with and network with to this day.
Did you receive scholarships for any schooling at any point? If so, can you share why that scholarship was important or what your scholarship made possible for you?
I received several academic scholarships which helped relieve some of the burden young students face when figuring out how to pay for college.
Professional and Personal Insights
Who has had the biggest influence on your life or your career and why?
My parents have had the biggest influence on my career. They have always been my biggest cheerleaders and supporters. It was because of their dream for all their children to graduate from college that I attended college. I would not be where I am today without their support and push, and without my UWP education.
Advice for current UW-Parkside students?
Take the leap – we don’t grow where we are comfortable. Getting uncomfortable is when growth starts to happen!