Lecture Recordings
Adventures in Lifelong Learning
Did you miss a lecture? Want to rewatch the lecture to solidify your understanding of the topic? We've got you covered.
Note: Lecture recordings are not available prior to Sep 2020

"Present and Future Developments in Kenosha"
Mayor Antaramian, a University of Wisconsin-Parkside graduate, served in the Wisconsin State Assembly for ten years until becoming mayor of Kenosha in 1992, serving until 2008 when he retired to start a consulting business. He was re-elected mayor in 2016.
Jan 19, 2024

"GROW Racine"
Growing Residents’ Opportunities and Wealth! GROW Racine wants to help our residents earn their high school degree, start family-supporting jobs in the trades, become homeowners, and repair and improve their houses. Click here for more information: https://www.growracine.org/
March 1, 2024

"What's in Your Cup?: A Journey into the World of Specialty Coffee"
Al Liu, Vice-President of Colectivo Coffee, Milwaukee, will take us “….On a deep dive into how coffee is produced, the different ways it's processed prior to export, and who some of the growers are who supply Colectivo year after year.”

Elmer Ellsworth and the Civil War Zouaves
In the summer of 1860, Elmer Ellsworth and a civilian militia company of 50 men from Chicago set out on a twenty-city tour to prove the value of their Zouave training. Mr. Dammann’s talk explores Elmer Ellsworth's widespread influence on the northern army despite his death early in the conflict.
May 1, 2023

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease
Approximately 7-8 million Americans, primarily the elderly, are diagnosed with memory or movement disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases. While many people are aware that these diseases increase with age, understanding these diseases is often difficult. This lecture will introduce the causes, current treatments, and promising therapies on the horizon.
May 15, 2023

What is Lifestyle Medicine? How You Can Live a Long & Healthy Life
Dr. Damaschke received his BS in Physical Therapy from The University of Texas Medical Branch. He subsequently completed his MS in Physical Therapy with an emphasis in orthopedics at Finch University of Health Sciences and his Doctor of Physical Therapy from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science.
August 4, 2023

The Freedom to Read
In this talk we will learn about the Freedom to Read movement and the storied history of book challenges, from “The New English Cannan” in 1637 to “Captain Underpants” today. With 21 years’ experience working in public libraries, Nyama Y. Reed, will present info and examples about challenges to public libraries and reading.
September 22, 2023

Philanthropy for Non-Millionares: Planned Giving and More
Join us to learn about ways to give and support your favorite charitable organizations, with a focus on simple planned gifts (will, IRA, etc.). We’ll discuss gifts that anyone can make, to make a great difference in your community.
October 6, 2023

How to Get a Good Night's Sleep: Sleep Disorders in the Elderly
It's estimated that up to 40-70% of Americans over 65 have some sleep problems, including insomnia, chronic obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome. This lecture discusses how to evaluate and treat these problems so we can get a good night's sleep.
October 20, 2023

Women's College Athletics
A look at the UW-Parkside Athletic Program’s history, how it began and evolved to the present day. Includes insight into what it was like to be a collegiate coach at a new university starting out ‘from scratch’ and the decisions and progress made throughout a 35-year career at UWP.
November 3, 2023

Social Isolation, Especially in the Elderly
Join us for a talk on Social Isolation using the Healthy IDEAS program to help improve the Quality of Life for Seniors. Healthy IDEAS is an individual program to help bring awareness to depression and help find some techniques to manage isolation to help live life to the fullest.
November 17, 2023

Adventures in Lifelong Learning
Mon-Thu | 8:30 am-1:30 pm
900 Wood Rd.
Kenosha, WI 53144