North-Central GSA Meeting

Published: March 6, 2015
By: Dr. Headley
The North-Central Geological Society of America meeting is being help on 19-20 May 2015. Parkside has quite a contingent presenting! Here are some links to the abstracts and sessions that will be presented by Parkside students, recent alumni, and faculty:

  1. Session No. 25: T18. From Virtual To Real And Back Again: Emerging 3-D Applications In Paleontology
    Peterson and Noto (Advocates)
    Wednesday, 20 May 2015: 9:55 AM-12:20 PM
  2. No. 25-3: Getting A Head With 3d Software: Digital Reconstruction Of A Fossil Crocodilian Skull
    Wednesday, 20 May 2015: 10:40 AM
  3. No. 25-6: Share And Share Alike: An Open Discussion Of The Role Of Digital 3d Imagery In Paleontological Research And Outreach
    Farke, Widga, Clawson, Noto, and Peterson
    Wednesday, 20 May 2015: 11:40 AM
  4. No. 26-4: A Proposal For Assessing Mathematical Attitude, Aptitude, And Success In Geoscience Students
    Wednesday, 20 May 2015: 9:05 AM
  5. No. 29-4: Adsorption Of Atenolol On Kaolinite
    Wednesday, 20 May 2015: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
  6. No. 38-7: Variation And Provenance Of The Coarse Fraction Within A Lake Border Moraine Till Of The Lake Michigan Ice Lobe
    Schnabl, Albert, and Headley
    Wednesday, 20 May 2015: 3:50 PM

  7. No. 38-8: Spatial Variation Of Sedimentary Properties And Depositional Processes Along A Recessional Moraine Of The Lake Michigan Lobe
    Frievalt, Liesch, Headley, and Borucki
    Wednesday, 20 May 2015: 4:10 PM

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