Change Catalog Department Overview
If your department needs to make a change to the department overview tab in the catalog, they can request that change through the CIM miscellanous form.
Select the Propose New Miscellanous button.
Under request type, select from the drop down: Change Catalog department overview. After the form opens, complete the required parts of the form. No attachment is required.
Select START WORKFLOW at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: The department catalog copy will not change until the next catalog is published.
Create or Change Academic policy
The Miscellaneous CIM form is used to submit new policies or to propose changes in in academic policy for the institution.
Select the Propose New Miscellanous button.
Under request type, select from the drop down: Change or Create an Academic Policy. After the form opens, indicate whether it is a new or existing policy and complete the remaining parts of the form.
Select START WORKFLOW at the bottom of the page.
Establish, Rename or Eliminate a Center, Department, College or School
The Miscellaneous CIM form is used to establish, rename or eliminate a center, department, college or school. Select the Propose New Miscellaneous button.
After the form opens, select from the request type drop down - Establish, rename or eliminate a center, department, college or school.
Once the form is completed, select the START WORKFLOW button at the bottom of the page.
One Time CBL Designation Request
The Miscellaneous CIM form is used to request approval for One time CBL designation.
Select the Propose New Miscellaneous button.
After the form opens, select from the request type drop down - One Tme CBL designation
Note: The one time designation form requires the same information and review process as the permanent designation.
Once the form is completed, select the START WORKFLOW button at the bottom of the page.
If you have questions about information required , please contact Amy Garrigan at
You can use the CIM form to request a one time change in the Mode of Instruction or one time change to a course prerequisite.
Please select the appropriate form under Request Type. If you want to make a permanent change, you will also need to complete a CIM course form.
New Academic program Interest form
As part of the UW System academic planning process, the Provost office must report on a regular basis (and prior to actual official submission) what programs the institution is considering for potential development. This form is intended for INFORMATIONAL purposes for the Provost office only. If you are submitting or modifying a program that you would like to have reviewed and officially approved through governance and administrative processes, you must submit a CIM program form instead (please see the Academic Planning Resources page for additional information).
Use the CIM Miscellaneous form to submit ideas for potential academic development.
Select the Propose New Miscellaneous button. Once the form opens, select from the request type drop down: Academic Program Development Interest form.
Once the form is completed, submit the Start Workflow button at the bottom of the page.
Special Course Fee
Per UW System policy, special course fees may be assessed for certain instructional costs such as the cost of transportation and admission on field trips or materials for projects maintained by the student. See the UW System policy for more specific information including when course fees are prohibited.
Use the Miscellaneous form to request, change or delete a course fee.
Select the green Propose New Miscellaneous button. After the form opens, select special course fee under the request type drop down. Complete the form and then select the Start Workflow button at the bottom of the page.
Special Topic or Umbrella Course Offering
Special Topics or Umbrella course offerings can be submitted through the Miscellaneous CIM Form.
Select the green Propose New Miscellaneous button.
After the form opens, you will be prompted to select a Request Type from the drop down menu. Select Special Topic or Umbrella Course Offering.
Complete the form and then select the green Start Workflow button at the bottom of the page.
Suspend Admission to Program
The CIM miscellanous form is used to indicate that admission to a program (e.g. major, minor, certificate, concentration) needs to be suspended while the department completes the necessary process to either inactivate a program or reconfigure a program. Once approved, the students will no longer be able to apply or be admitted to the program moving forward.
Select the Propose New Miscellanous button.
Under request type, select from the drop down: Suspend Admission to a program. After the form opens, complete the required parts of the form and attach a copy of your proposed teach out plan if the program will eventually be inactivated.
Select START WORKFLOW at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: This action does not inactivate a program. Departments must request that a program be inactivated through the CIM program form.