Commitment to Protection of Minors
The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is committed to the well-being, safety, and protection of all members of the University community, including Minors. Minors are a vulnerable population, requiring special attention, consideration and protection to reduce the risks involved when working with this group. In alignment with Wisconsin Executive Order 54, which mandates the reporting of child abuse and neglect, and UW System Administrative Policy 625-Youth Protection & Compliance, the University recognizes its fundamental responsibility for protecting the minors placed in its care and the value of identifying a multifaceted framework for youth protection.
This site is designed to serve as a resource for members of the University community, and those responsible for coordinating youth activities and programs. Information is also available for parents/guardians.
The UW-Parkside Office of Title IX and Youth Compliance serves as a support unit to campus, parents/guardians, and the community with providing safe and effective environments in a wide range of youth activities that take place on and off campus. Our office assists by:
- Answering questions about youth protection policy and best practices
- Developing guidance and resources to support the effective implementation of policy requirements
- Assessing the compliance status of registered youth activities
Support & Contact Information
We hope that the information provided in the Resources and FAQS pages have been helpful. If you still have questions about hosting a youth activity or program, please email or contact the Youth Compliance Specialist.
Contact information
Trina Patterson
Title IX and Youth Compliance
Youth Protection Information
Click to jump to specific sections.
Policy & Scope | Requirements for Hosting a Youth Event | Reporting Incidents | FAQS | References & Resources
Policy & Scope
The UW System Administrative Policy 625-Youth Protection & Compliance will be the minimum standards that UW-Parkside abides by for the protection of minors engaged in covered activities.
UW-Parkside Activities & Programs with Minors Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) - Coming Soon!
This policy applies to
- All faculty, academic staff, university staff, employees, students, student employees, graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, interns, affiliates, volunteers, contractors, consultants, visitors, and third-party vendors supervising or interacting with minors at a University program, event, or activity.
- All UW-Parkside Covered Activities held either on or off campus that serve minors, including those held in other municipalities, states, and nations.
- Third party programs and activities held on University property.
This policy DOES NOT apply to
- UW-Parkside matriculated students,
- Events open to the general public (i.e. sporting events, concerts, ticketed event),
- For-credit courses,
- Medical care provided to minors in in-patient or out-patient settings,
- Institutional Review Board-approved research,
- Daycare and preschool services operating under the direction of a licensed daycare or healthcare provider,
- Private Events (i.e. birthday party or wedding),
- Minors participating in pre-enrollment visitation or recruiting activities governed by the NCAA,
- Exception: Group recruiting events such as school visits & prospect visits not open to the general public
- Matriculated student Community-Based Learning courses and internships,
- UW-Parkside Faculty who are guest lecturing at an outside organization and have no oversight of minors.
Unsure if your youth activity/ program falls under the scope of University Policy & UW System Administrative Policy 625-Youth Protection & Compliance? Follow the Activities & Programs with Minors Decision Making Flowchart.
Still unsure? Questions can be sent to or reach out to the Compliance Specialist.
Requirements for Hosting a Youth Event
If you are considering coordinating an activity or program with minor participants, you are required to follow the UW-Parkside Youth Activity & Program Requirements.
UW-Parkside College/Department Hosted Events
Register Youth Activity or Program
A UW-Parkside Program Sponsor will be designated for each Youth Activity/ Program. The Program Sponsor, or designee (i.e. Program Director), will complete the registration of all youth activities/ programs in the Youth Activity Registration System (YARS). Registration pertains to the recording of each event. Please note that all youth activities/ programs should also be reserved with UW-Parkside Reservations.
Step by step directions on how to register your Youth Activity or Program can be found in the Youth Policies & Protocols SharePoint file (internal staff only).
Staff/Volunteer Requirements
It is the responsibility of the Program Director to ensure that all youth event staff/ volunteers are properly documented, screened and trained. This includes all faculty, staff, students, community members, vendors, etc. who will interact with youth. Staff/volunteers will complete a Volunteer Agreement Form which signifies their acceptance of a Criminal Background Check and the required training outlined in Staff/ Volunteer Training. All documents will remain on file with the Program Director unless otherwise indicated. Guides on how to complete staff/volunteer requirements can be found in “Resources.”
Staff/ Volunteer Roster: A staff roster will be completed with all required information and sent to for screening and training review.
Staff/ Volunteer Screening: A criminal background check (CBC) is required for all Designated Individuals and Authorized Adults every four (4) years regardless of their employment status with the University or third-party organization. They must meet minimum standards outlined for Positions of Trust with Access to Vulnerable Populations.
For youth event staff/volunteer who need a criminal background check (CBC), they will need to fill out the personal information section on a POI/Volunteer request initiated by the Program Director, or designee, for the event. Once completed, staff/volunteers will receive an email from a third-party company called HireRight with a link to authorize a criminal background check. For directions on how to authorize & complete your background check, please contact your Program Director. More information on Criminal Background Check (CBC) compliance requirements can be found within the University of Wisconsin System Criminal Background Check Policy.
Staff/ Volunteer Training: It is the responsibility of the Program Director to ensure proper staff training for youth events. Training is required for all employees, associates, volunteers, or other individuals serving at a Covered Activity where interaction with a minor occurs. Any individual in this capacity failing to comply will result in disciplinary action, including removal from role and/or authorization to work with minors.
1. Authorized Adults must receive documented training on the following content, at minimum, prior to interaction with Youth Participants in Covered activities:
- EO54 Mandated Reporter Training
- Abide by UW-Parkside Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment Policy 36
- Prohibited Behaviors
2. Designated Individuals must receive documented training on the above content, at minimum, prior to interaction with Youth Participants in Covered activities as well as:
- Institutional youth protection best practices
Document and Plan Requirements
All Covered Activities must have a Supervision Plan, Emergency Plan, Health & Safety Plan, and Escalation Matrix in place based on the event’s level of risk. All staff of the Covered Activity are to be trained on these plans and understand when and how incidents are to be reported.
Supervision Plan: Details how participants will be supervised during the covered activity and ensures supervision ratios meet the minimum standards set through Wisconsin Legislature ATCP 78 recreational and educational camps. The Program Director is required to confirm adequate supervision for the covered activity. This is verified through a Staff/ Volunteer Roster and Youth Participant Roster that the adult to participant ratio is met. All documents will remain on file with the Program Director.
Supervision Standards
Grade or Age Group | Covered Activity Type | Ratios (Adults: Participants) |
Ages 3-4 | Non-residential | 1:4 |
Ages 4-5 | Non-residential | 1:6 |
Ages 5-6 | Non-residential | 1:10 |
Ages 6 & Under | Residential | 1:18 |
2nd-8th grade (over age 6) |
Classroom Setting | 1:4 |
9th-12th grade | Classroom Setting | 1:10 |
2nd-12th grade (over age 6) |
Field trip Recreation Sports & water Activities Non-residential & Residential |
1:10 (minimum 2 adults) 1:10 1:10 |
Emergency Plan: Documents minimum emergency preparedness protocols based on the program's level of risk and as advised by the institution’s risk management authority or other relevant Institution stakeholders. Emergency plans should include protocols on:
- Fire Safety and evacuation plans
- A communication plan that involves a signal/alarm to notify program staff of an emergency
- Severe weather plan and communications (Emphasize lightning plan and lightning safety)
- Knowledge of designated emergency evacuation routes and alternate meeting locations
- Knowledge of appropriate shelter-in-place locations
- Missing child procedures: Call Campus Police 262-595-2911 if on campus & 911 if off campus
- Tips for changing location (head counts, take attendance, predictable routes, etc.)
Health and Safety Plan: An informational document discussing how to proceed in cases of communicable disease and tips on prevention. Outlines response protocols in place to address mitigation/quarantine/isolation of incidents. In addition, all residential/overnight programs must have a communicable disease protocol.
Escalation Matrix: Documents decision-making process on reporting suspected or witnessed child abuse or neglect and other incident report obligations.
Third Party Organization Hosted Event
Reguest to Host Youth Program or Activity
Third Party Organizations need to obtain a UW-Parkside College or Department Sponsor that has received written approval at the Executive Level (i.e. Dean, Directors, Provosts, Vice Chancellors, or Chancellors) to host the youth event. The Third Party will work with their University Sponsor to obtain & complete required documents.
Document Requirements
Complete Facilities Use Agreement for Youth Programs: To hold an event, operation, endeavor, or activity designed for participation by people under 18 years old in or on University premises, Third Party Organizations are required to complete a Facilities Use Agreement for Youth Programs agreeing to the terms and conditions listed in the agreement. The Third Party and its officers, employees, and agents will comply with any and all relevant laws, rules, or University Policies, including any campus policy required by University Policy & UW System Administrative Policy 625-Youth Protection & Compliance, as specified in that policy. In addition, Third Party organizations will comply with all youth protection and compliance requirements listed within the contractual agreement (including required rosters, staff screening/training & emergency preparedness). University audits may occur at any time within seven (7) years following the conclusion of an event. As part of an audit, third-parties may be required to provide youth activity/program roster showing all staff/volunteer criminal background checks and required training have been completed.
Submit Certificate of Insurance (COI): All programs must be properly insured as required by UW System Risk Management. Proof of insurance for the event must be provided when applicable. For assessment of insurance needs contact: Safety & Risk Management.
School or group field trip to UW-Parkside
Request to Bring Minors for Field Trip to UW-Parkside
School or group will need to obtain a UW-Parkside College or Department Sponsor that has received written approval at the Executive Level (i.e. Dean, Directors, Provosts, Vice Chancellors, or Chancellors) to bring your field trip to campus. The School or group will work with their University Sponsor to obtain & complete required documents.
Field Trips are defined as a visit made to UW-Parkside and any property owned or leased by the University for the purposes of firsthand observation or participation (i.e.: Library events & REC Center paddles). The custodial care (supervision) of youth participants falls on the responsibility of the school or group visiting.
Document Requirments
Complete Field Trip with Minors Acknowledgement Form: Schools & groups with minors are required to complete a Field Trip with Minors Acknowledgement Form agreeing to the terms and conditions listed in the agreement. The school or group, field trip leader & chaperones will comply with any and all relevant laws, rules, or University Policies, including any campus policy required by University Policy & UW System Administrative Policy 625-Youth Protection & Compliance, as specified in that policy.
Reporting Incidents
Program Sponsor or Program Director will report any injury, illness, misconduct, or incidents outlined in UW System Policy or other identified prohibited conduct. Reports can be submitted via the Youth/ Minor General Incident Report: General Youth Incident Reporting Form
Elements of Reporting shall include:
- Any incident established in an event Escalation Matrix that all staff or volunteers have agreed to as part of a signed Volunteer Agreement are to be reported immediately to the Program Director.
- The Program Director will initiate the Safety Plan and University reporting process.
- The Program Director, in conjunction with the identified reporter and any other witnesses, will complete an Incident Report.
The Compliance Specialist and Title IX Coordinator will receive notifications through the University reporting process and initiate next steps relevant to the incident. Any acts of retaliatory actions against an Incident Reporter are prohibited. Upon reporting, all incidents are to be documented on an Incident Report that may be obtained from the Program Director.
Please Note: If you witness child abuse or if there is an imminent or ongoing threat to an individual or the community, immediately call University Police 262-595-2911 if on campus. If at an off-campus location, call 9-1-1.
All third-party organizations will comply with this section and documented requirements are to be stated within a contractual agreement.
For information on reporting obligations for youth program staff and volunteers, refer to the Escalation Matrix.
For information on additional reporting obligations, refer to Ethics & Compliance.
General Information for Hosting Youth Activities & Programs
As a Program Sponsor and/or Program Director, where can I go for more information on hosting a youth activity or program?
- UW-Parkside Employees can access guides and templates on the UW-Parkside Youth Policies & Protocols SharePoint file and in the University Youth Compliance J: Drive folder.
- Third-Parties will work with their University Program Sponsor.
- Additional questions can be sent to
If an event is being held on Campus for the public and people might bring their kids, do I need to fill out a Youth Event Request Form?
No. This type of event falls outside the scope of the UW System Administrative Policy 625-Youth Protection & Compliance since the event is not intended for minors even though they might attend incidentally.
If an event is for seniors in high school, is it still an event for minors/youth?
Yes. Seniors are generally a mix of 17- and 18-year olds. While 18-year-olds are not minors, 17-year-olds are, so this would still be considered a Youth Event. However, if the participants are already enrolled with UW-Parkside, then they are considered "matriculated" and not minors. If this status applies to all participants, the event would be outside the scope of the policy.
What if the youth activity or program isn't easily definable?
If your youth event doesn't seem to fit any of the listed youth events on this webpage, feel free to contact the Compliance Specialist to discuss the event in more detail.
As a school or group wanting to bring a group of minors to UW-Parkside on a field trip, what do I need to do?
Your school or group will need to obtain a UW-Parkside College or Department Sponsor that has received written approval at the Executive Level (i.e. Dean, Directors, Provosts, Vice Chancellors, or Chancellors) to bring your field trip to campus. The following documentation will need to be collected:
- Field Trip with Minors Acknowledgement Form
For more details, please see the “Requirements for Hosting a Youth Event” section of this webpage or contact your University Sponsor.
As a Third Party organization who wishes to host a youth event and utilize University Facilities, what do I need to do?
Your organization will need to obtain a UW-Parkside College or Department Sponsor that has received written approval at the Executive Level (i.e. Dean, Directors, Provosts, Vice Chancellors, or Chancellors). The following documentation will need to be collected:
- Facilities Use Agreement for Youth Programs
- Certificate of Insurance
For more details, please see the “Requirements for Hosting a Youth Event” section of this webpage or contact your University Sponsor.
Staff/Volunteer Background Check Information
Does everyone working a youth event need to have a criminal background check (CBC)?
Everyone responsible for supervising or running the activities/interacting with participants must have a CBC, including volunteers. To get started, refer to staff/volunteer screening.
What does the criminal background check (CBC) consist of?
Compliant with the University of Wisconsin System Criminal Background Check Policy, background checks for youth event staff/volunteers consist of:
- Social Security Number Validation & Trace
- State and Federal criminal history check covering a minimum of seven (7) years.
- Sex Offender Registry
- National Criminal Background Database
- Global Criminal Search
Does the University provide background checks for Third-Parties?
- No, the University does not conduct background checks for Third-Parties. Third-Parties working with minors must ensure all of their youth event staff/volunteers are background checked in compliance with the policy as stated within their contractual agreement. University audits may occur at any time within seven (7) years following the conclusion of an event. As part of an audit, third-parties may be required to provide youth activity/program roster showing all staff/volunteer criminal background checks and required training have been completed.
- If any third party organizations have questions about the background check requirements, please contact: or 262-595-2695
Are guests such as lecturers, speakers, etc. required to undergo a background check and training?
If the guest is simply speaking to a group, the program staff or volunteers will maintain care, custody, and control, and the guest does not have unsupervised access to minors, then a background check and training are not required.
Staff/Volunteer Training Information
What training is required for youth event staff/volunteers?
All staff/volunteers must receive documented training on the following content, at minimum, prior to interaction with Youth Participants in Covered activities:
- EO54 Mandated Reporter Training
- Abide by UW-Parkside Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment Policy 36
- Prohibited Behaviors
Staff/volunteers who are responsible for the supervision of youth participants must receive documented training on the above content, at minimum, prior to interaction with youth participants as well as:
- Institutional youth protection best practices provided by Program Director
What is Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Policy- Executive Order #54?
This Policy requires that all University of Wisconsin System employees must report incidents of child abuse and neglect. In addition, this policy extends that obligation to volunteers and contractors.
More information on this policy can be found here: Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Policy (Executive Order 54) | UWSA Internal Policies (
If I make a report, am I protected?
Yes, all reports of suspected child abuse or neglect, made in good faith, will not result in discharge from employment, discipline, or otherwise discriminated against in regard to employment, or threatened with any such treatment.
What happens if I do not make a report?
Persons required to report, who intentionally fail to report suspected child abuse or neglect may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than 6 months or both.
How do Third-Party Organizations comply with training requirements?
Third- Party Organizations will comply with this section and documented requirements are to be stated within a contractual agreement. University audits may occur at any time within seven (7) years following the conclusion of an event. As part of an audit, third-parties may be required to provide youth activity/program roster showing all staff/volunteer Criminal Background Checks and required training have been completed.
Parent/Guardian Information
How is UW-Parkside keeping my youth safe while participating in an activity or program through the University?
UW-Parkside has established policies to promote the safety of youth participating in our programs. Program staff are trained in emergency protocols and all relevant internal and external reporting requirements. All youth event staff/volunteers are required to be properly screened and trained in compliance with UW System Administrative Policy 625-Youth Protection & Compliance.
How do I report an incident?
- Parents and guardians are encouraged to notify the youth Program Director immediately if they, or their child, are experiencing concerns with the program, other youth participants in the program, and/or program staff and volunteers.
- The reporting form is located here: General Youth Incident Reporting Form
References & Resources
Youth Protocols & Policy SharePoint File (Internal Staff Only)
Youth Compliance j: Drive Folder (Internal Staff Only)
UW-Parkside Youth/ Minor General Incident Reporting
UW-Parkside Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy #36
UW-Parkside Safety & Risk Management
UW-Parkside Reservations (Summer Camps)
UW-Parkside Youth Programs & Activities