Ethics & Compliance
The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is committed to upholding our core institutional values, including a commitment to behaving in an ethical manner and treating all people with respect.
All members of our community are expected to fulfill ethical and other professional standards at all times. Additionally, we abide by federal, state, and other regulations in addition to policies set forth by the UW System Board of Regents and the University.
The following workplace conduct expectations apply to all UW System Employees:
- Be fair and respectful to others.
- Protect and preserve UW System resources.
- Act ethically and with integrity.
- Contribute to a safe and healthy workplace.
- Promote a culture of compliance.
As members of the UW-Parkside community, it is important to remain aware of the obligation to report suspected wrongdoing that adversely affects our community. The University is committed to providing an environment that encourages the disclosure of violations of law, policy, and other standards to the Parkside administration, while protecting, from reprisal, employees who make good-faith disclosures of suspected wrongful conduct occurring at the University.
Reporting Harassment, Hate, Bias, & Sexual Misconduct
Ethics & Compliance Committee Members
UW Parkside recognizes that we all share in the responsibility to not only abide by laws, regulations, and policies but also to act with integrity at all times. If you observe wrongdoing or have concerns about potential wrongdoing, it is important to speak up.
When you speak up, you should know that the UW Parkside Administration:
- Takes your concern seriously;
- Will follow through with necessary measures to ensure appropriate investigation and resolution; and
- Has zero tolerance for retaliation.
Retaliation: Regent Policy 14-6 protects all students and employees from any form of adverse action in response to the filing of a complaint of discrimination or discriminatory harassment, participation in an investigation of such complaint and/or opposition to discrimination or discriminatory harassment in the educational or workplace setting. If you suspect that you may have experienced retaliation, please use the following information to identify the appropriate party to notify. In this situation, you should report to someone who is not directly involved in the retaliatory behavior, such as your Human Resources department.
Whom do I tell if I have a concern?
There are various ways individuals can report a suspected or actual act of misconduct depending on what makes you most comfortable. Here are just a few resources:
Students: Dean of Students:
Title IX Coordinator:
For any alleged sexual misconduct including dating, domestic abuse, and stalking, contact the institution's Title IX Coordinator. For immediate help please contact campus police, local law enforcement, or dial 911.
Faculty: School Department Chair
Provost’s Office:
Human Resources:
Title IX Coordinator:
Staff: Immediate Supervisor
Human Resources:
Title IX Coordinator:
Others: Human Resources:
Title IX Coordinator:
Reporting an Ethical Concern (Anonymous Reporting):
University of Wisconsin System is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching your supervisor or management in instances where you believe violations of policies or standards have occurred. In situations where you prefer to place an anonymous report in confidence, the information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a confidential and anonymous basis. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.
You may file a report online or by dialing 855-827-4950. You may choose to file anonymously or non-anonymously. When considering whether to file anonymously, keep in mind that anonymous complaints can pose limitations when making an effort to substantiate and investigate claims. Know that we will do everything we can to keep your identity private during investigation and follow up of your complaint.
Integrity Hotline- Reporting Misconduct, Illegal Activity, Fraud & Abuse
If you have a concern about misconduct, abuse, fraud, illegal activity, violations of university policy, or if you fear retaliation for speaking out, the University of Wisconsin System provides a simple and anonymous way to file a report. Simply go online or dial 855-827-4950.
IMPORTANT: If you have been subjected to sexual violence and/or sexual harassment we encourage you to report the incident. If you are in immediate danger or need immediate help, dial 911.
The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is dedicated to providing a teaching, learning and working environment in which faculty, staff, and students can discover, examine critically, preserve, and transmit the knowledge, wisdom, and values that will improve quality of life for all. To promote these institutional values, UW-Parkside is committed to creating and maintaining a community environment that is free from sexual violence and sexual harassment, general harassment and discrimination.
To file a report, click on the appropriate link below:
Whether you are a new supervisor, faculty or staff member, it is important to review the various policies and procedures established at UW-Parkside.
UW-Parkside Policies & Procedures
- Administrative Policies
- Governance Procedures
- Title IX Policies
- Human Resource Policies
- FERPA Information
UW System Policies
Helpful resources and guides to help employees navigate UW-Parkside's compliance and ethics obligations.
Handbooks and Manuals
- Employee handbook
- Student handbook
- Full Academic Catalog
- Residence hall handbook
- Student employment manual
Coming soon!
Coming soon!