Clinical Mental Health Counseling Application Checklist
The Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling is a graduate degree program designed for students who already have a bachelor’s degree (or will have one by the start of the program). We encourage you to attend one of our Information Sessions listed in the Find Out More section here.
Have you been asked to provide a recommendation?
Please click on the link button below for information about the process and tools.

Complete the UW System Online Application
Create an account and start a new application for Parkside at
(When you access this online application, you will be asked to respond to two essay questions. Do not respond to these questions. See the instructions for the personal essays in Step 4)

Submit $56 application fee
The application fee can be paid online at the time of submission using a credit card. You can also log back into your UW System Online Application, and submit the fee after you have finished the application.
This fee is non-refundable.

Submit Official Transcripts
Official transcripts must be submitted for all colleges and universities you ever attended, whether courses will transfer or not. All transcripts must be official and come directly from the institution.
Applicants are required to have a minimum of 18 credits of undergraduate coursework in the social sciences or related areas, and a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0. No graduate exam scores will be required. Applicants with an undergraduate GPA between 2.75-2.99 may be admitted on a probationary status.
If an applicant attended graduate school, all graduate transcripts must be submitted, whether or not one completed the program.
If an applicant left another graduate program prior to earning a degree, then they need to submit documentation (e.g., a letter) from the director of the graduate program indicating that the applicant was in good standing when they left a different graduate program. Documentation of good standing should be sent from the director of the previous graduate program via e-mail directly to Dr. Robtrice Brawner, Coordinator of CMHC Program
If you are a graduate of UW-Parkside then there is no need to submit your UW-Parkside transcripts. For Parkside graduates who transferred to UW-Parkside, the Admissions Office may also have transcripts from other institutions you attended. If you have questions regarding which transcripts we already have or about submitting transcripts, then please contact the Admissions Office: 262-595-2355 or email
- All documents can be emailed to The only exception is if UW-Parkside is already in another schools drop down list.
- Transcripts submitted through an electronic service, such as Parchment or by mail, will also be accepted.
Where to Submit Materials via Mail
UW-Parkside Admissions
900 Wood Rd
Kenosha, WI 53144

Personal Essays
Essays should be 1- 2 pages in length in APA format. Answer each essay thoroughly with specific examples where applicable. Program faculty review essays for content, quality of writing, and clarity.
Essay 1 – Counselors engage in professional relationships with individuals, families, and communities. In this essay explain your career goals and how they align with the CMHC program. In addition, describe how your personal characteristics and interpersonal skills will support your ability to manage the emotional impact of counseling work?
Essay 2 - The CMHC program at UW-Parkside and the counseling profession are committed to training counselors to develop competencies in multicultural counseling, advocacy, and social justice. Describe how your lived experiences have informed your understanding of cultural differences. In addition, how have those experiences prepared you to develop a respect for and understanding of cultural differences that may impact effective counseling relationships with potential clients.
Where to Submit Materials via Mail
UW-Parkside Admissions
900 Wood Rd
Kenosha, WI 53144

Three (3) Professional Recommendations
Three professional recommendations from people familiar with your education and/or work experience need to be submitted. The recommendations include a letter of recommendation and completion of the recommendation rating form from each individual.
All three recommendations must be academic or work references. At least one letter is required to be from an academic reference, and at least one is required to be from a work reference. This can be from full-time or part-time work; paid, volunteer or internship work; and from human services or other types of work experiences. Recommendations from work experiences must be from individuals with a supervisory relationship to you. Personal recommendations are not acceptable, such as those from family members, co-workers, friends, one’s personal mental health counselor, one’s personal clergy member, etc.
The letters of recommendation and completed recommendation rating form must be submitted directly to Admissions from the person providing the recommendation.
You should share the link to this page (or the link below) with the people providing your recommendations.

A current, professional resume needs to be submitted. You may submit your personal resume by e-mailing it as an attachment to The resume should be titled “Resume_Last Name”. The subject line of your e-mail should be “CMHC – Resume –Last Name”. You may also submit the resume via U.S. mail. See below for Admissions Office mailing address.
Where to Submit Materials via Mail
UW-Parkside Admissions
900 Wood Rd
Kenosha, WI 53144

If you haven’t done so already, activate your SOLAR and Rangermail accounts.
SOLAR (Student Online Access To Ranger) You will use SOLAR to enroll in classes, pay your bill, and more.
Rangermail is your Parkside email account. Check your Rangermail frequently for updates and communication.
Frequently Asked Questions
What courses are considered social science?
Courses from the following academic disciplines are considered social science for the purposes of applying to the CMHC program at UW-Parkside: psychology, sociology, anthropology, criminal justice, communication, education, and political science. Other disciplines may be accepted.
What if I do not have a minimum of 18 undergraduate social science courses?
Applicants who do not meet the minimum social sciences requirement should e-mail Dr. Robtrice Brawner, Coordinator of CMHC Program (
What if I do not have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0?
Applicants with an undergraduate GPA between 2.75-2.99 may be admitted on a probationary status.
E-mail Dr. Robtrice Brawner, Coordinator of the CMHC Program ( if you have questions about this requirement.
How do I find out if something is missing from my application?
You can check your "To Do List" in SOLAR for missing materials. Read the tutorial here.
You can also call the Office of Admissions at 262-595-2355 or email
How will I find out the decision?
After all required application materials are submitted by the application deadline, a committee will review the application and make a decision. Typically within thirty days, decision letters are sent by email if the application is submitted by the deadline.
You may also call us to check the status of your application: 262-595-2355. A decision can only be shared directly with the student who applied.
Each recommender is asked to fill out a Letter of Recommendation and a Recommendation Rating Form.
Letter of Recommendation
For the letter, if possible, save and submit it as a pdf document.
Recommendation Rating Form
The recommedation rating form works best if you click on the orange link box to the right, completely fill out the form, click the "print" icon at the top right corner of the form page, and save as a pdf.
The Letter of Recommendation files should be titled “Recommendation_Applicant Last Name_Recommender Last Name”
The digital Recommendation Rating Form should be titled “Rating Form_Applicant Last Name_Recommender Last Name”.
Rating form_Randall_Jones
Email Subject Line
Please add this to the email subject line “CMHC – Recommendation – Applicant Last Name”.
Both of the documents (letter and rating form) should be submitted by you, the recommender, via e-mail as an attached file (not photo).
Please email them to
Recommenders may also submit recommendations via U.S. mail.
Where to Submit Materials via Mail
UW-Parkside Admissions
900 Wood Rd
Kenosha, WI 53144
Thank you for taking the time to help the individuals applying to thes Clinical Mental Health Counseling graduate program. If you have any questions, please contact Jeanne Suda at
(262) 595-2355
900 Wood Rd, Kenosha, WI 53144
Student Center D105
Park in Lot A