Requirements for Instructors
Course Requirements for Instructors and Departments
Every General Education course must address one Learning Goal in each of three categories: Communication, Reasoned Judgement, and Social and Personal Responsibility. Each Learning Goal has a set of required criteria that the course must meet, which are described below. (Click on a Learning Goal to see its requirements.) The Learning Goals for a General Education course must be listed in a General Education statement in the syllabus, which should also identify the assignments or other course activities that address the Learning Goals.
Reading and writing for understanding and effective communication
At the 100-level:
Courses may address either the reading or writing expectations.
At the 200-level:
Courses must address both the reading and writing expectations.
Reading Expectations
Students will spend approximately one hour of reading time per credit hour per week. For a three-credit class, students are expected to complete on average three hours of reading per week. In a given discipline, that might be equivalent to as much as 100 pages per week or as little as 20 pages per week.
Evidence of the requirement should be measured by a minimum of two of the following:
- Demonstrate appropriate comprehension of vocabulary through summarizing or paraphrasing information.
- Show application of existing knowledge to help understand reading assignments.
- Identify aspects of a text to respond to questions posed in assigned tasks.
- Comment on texts in ways that preserve the author’s meanings and link them to the assignment.
Writing Expectations
Students will write a minimum of 3,000 words over the course of the semester. This can be achieved through a combination of different writing assignments of any type, including four 750-word papers; six 500-word papers; two 500-word essay exams, and four 500-word papers; or weekly in-class writing assignments of around 250 words each which are revised and collected into a portfolio. These are only examples; instructors are free to design their own “road” to the minimum amount of writing in keeping with best practices of their discipline.
Evidence of writing quality should be based on control of syntax and mechanics plus a minimum of two of the following:
- Demonstrate attention to context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned task(s).
- Use appropriate content to develop ideas.
- Employ consistency of organization and presentation.
- Use sources appropriately to support ideas in writing.
Oral Communication
Oral Communication
Listening, speaking, and presenting effectively
At the 100 level:
Students will demonstrate competency in at least one criterion from each of the three categories.
At the 200 level:
Students will demonstrate competency in at least two criteria from each of the three categories.
Students will be explicitly assessed on their listening skills, which support the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages. There should be documentation provided of the student's comprehension, critique, or aesthetic appreciation through listening to any of the following criteria:
- Recognize and/or recall main and supporting ideas
- Recognize relationships among ideas
- Attend to ideas with an open mind
- Detect bias, prejudice, and/or speaker’s attitude
- Distinguish between forms of argument (logical, emotional, statements of fact/opinion, etc.)
- Synthesize and evaluate messages by drawing logical inferences and conclusions
Students will be evaluated on their delivery of spoken content based on any of the following criteria:
- Rate – control of pace
- Volume – control of breath to be heard
- Enunciation – control of lingual muscles to be understood
- Rhythm – control of variation in cadence to highlight ideas and maximize listeners’ ability to absorb key points
- Pitch – control of vocal quality to enhance engagement with listeners
Students will be assessed on their ability to deliver two oral presentations that should total at least 10 minutes in length (can be distributed in various ways such as a 3-minute and 7-minute presentation; two 5-minute presentations; two 2-minute presentations and one 6-minute presentation; etc.). In cases of group presentations, part of the student’s grade should be based on their individual contribution. Only presentations that are 2-minutes in length or longer and meet any of the following criteria will count toward fulfilling this category.
Students will be assessed using any of the following criteria:
- Integrate and properly attribute supporting material appropriate for the specific disciplinary nature of the course
- Utilize an organizational structure appropriate for the discipline or course subject material
- Delivered extemporaneously or with minimal use of manuscript or notes
- Establish a connection with the intended audience
- Present ethically by using language that is respectful of diverse groups
Information Technology
Using modern technology to enhance communications
Course must address at least two areas at the appropriate level.
At the 100 level
- Demonstrate basic expertise in using a computer software tool to construct simple means of communication. (e.g., Basics of MS-Office and Web pages)
- Demonstrate basic comprehension of computing and its integration into society.
- Navigate, understand, and use core elements of programming using online tools and references.
- Demonstrate basic use of a natural language (e.g., English, Spanish, etc.) in the final product(s) in a manner appropriate to the task or assignment.
At the 200 level
- Demonstrate expertise in using a computer software tool to professionalize means of communications. (e.g., Advanced features of MS-Office and Web pages)
- Demonstrate advanced comprehension of computing and its integration into a business environment.
- Demonstrate competency in designing, implementing, and evaluating computer programs to meet desired needs of the users.
- Develop professional software solutions using appropriate problem-solving strategies and computer software tools.
Creative Expression
Creative Expression
Communicating through or about artistic expression
At all levels:
Students will experience and also demonstrate that they understand the centrality of creative expression to the discipline and art that forms the basis for the coursework, as defined by the instructor.
At the 100-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in at least three of the basic expectations.
At the 200-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in at least two of the basic expectations and at least two of the advanced expectations.
Basic Expectations
Students will develop, practice, and apply creative expression through original communication skills in writing, visual art, and/or performing arts, using a common vocabulary.
- Students who are creating new artistic works will experience the responsibility of contributing original, sometimes subjective material, open for public and professional critique for which they may be asked to defend or explain.
- Students will critically reflect on experiences in and/or with “performance,” “exhibition,” or “publication” situations.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of critique to the creative process.
- Students will articulate the value of creative expression for individuals, communities, and/or humanity as a whole.
Advanced Expectations
- Students will share their work through “exhibition”, “publication”, and/or “performance”.
- Students will apply the fine arts as a means to understand diversity and the experiences of those who are different from themselves.
- Students will examine creative works both structurally and within larger contexts.
Reading and writing for understanding and effective mathematics communication
At the 100-level:
Students will demonstrate competence in a minimum of two of the following expectations.
At the 200-level:
Students will demonstrate competence in a minimum of three of the following expectations.
Numeracy Skills
- Demonstrate comprehension of mathematical or quantitative vocabulary, symbols, formulae, measurements, estimates, procedures, and/or theorems.
- Select and properly utilize appropriate formulae, procedures, and/or theorems for specific problems in written assignments with an emphasis on clarity in communication.
- Translate word problems, applications, and/or modeling exercises into written mathematical expressions, equations, and/or functions.
- Correctly interpret mathematical, statistical, or other quantitative information organized in charts, tables, and/or graphs.
- Create charts, tables, and/or graphs for effective communication of mathematical, statistical, or other quantitative information.
Critical Thinking
Applying logic and reasoning to problem-solving
At the 100 level:
- Students will demonstrate competency in all of the following expectations:
- Fully state, describe, and clarify an issue or problem.
- Understand the importance of using reliable sources of information and be familiar with key indicators or criteria for identifying reliable sources.
- Analyze and interpret information from at least two relevant and reliable sources.
- Identify their own and others’ assumptions when presenting a position on an issue.
- Make conclusions that are tied to a range of information.
At the 200 level:
- Students will demonstrate competency in all of the following expectations:
- Fully state, describe, and clarify an issue or problem and deliver relevant information necessary for understanding of the issue or problem.
- Differentiate between information sources that are relevant and reliable and those that are not.
- Analyze, interpret, and synthesize information from multiple relevant and reliable sources.
- Identify their own and others’ assumptions and several relevant contexts when presenting a position on an issue.
- Make conclusions that are tied to a range of information, including alternative viewpoints.
Ethical Thinking
Ethical Thinking
Recognizing and analyzing ethical issues and actions
At the 100-level:
Students will demonstrate competence in a minimum of two of the expectations.
At the 200-level:
Students will demonstrate competence in a minimum of three of the expectations from both categories.
- Describe their own core beliefs and articulate the origins of these beliefs.
- Compare and contrast their beliefs with others objectively in various social contexts.
- Compare and contrast the consequences/ramifications of actions that have multiple implications.
- Apply ethical perspectives/concepts in multiple scenarios.
- Apply ethical perspectives/concepts using an alternative perspective in multiple scenarios.
- Evaluate ethical issues from multiple perspectives.
Scientific Thinking
Understanding and applying the scientific method
At the 100-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in the Knowledge category and at least two expectations from the Skills category.
At the 200-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in at least two expectations from the Skills category and one from the Attitudes and Behaviors category.
All general education courses addressing scientific thinking are expected to identify relevant content knowledge in terms of the appropriate principles, theories, and methods.
- Recognize the application of the scientific method in solving contemporary problems.
- Critically evaluate information and sources.
- Convert relevant information into various forms (e.g. charts, graphs, tables, figures).
Attitudes and Behaviors
- Consider alternate, divergent, or contradictory perspectives or ideas.
- Include novel or unique approaches to problems or ideas.
Analytical Skills
Analytical Skills
Understanding how to produce and interpret quantitative and qualitative information
At the 100-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in one expectation under each category.
At the 200-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in one expectation under each category and at least one additional expectation under one of the categories.
- Identification of the Issue/Problem
- Identify evidence needed to examine an issue or problem.
- Represent the issue/problem in appropriate forms (e.g. charts, graphs, tables, figures, narratives, etc.).
- Convert data/information from one form to another.
- Appropriately address the complexity of the issue/problem.
Analysis of the Issue/Problem
- Incorporate the appropriate elements of methodology/theory in approaching the analysis, possibly including contextual points associated with the problem/issue.
- Present analysis and calculations correctly and appropriately for their intended purpose.
- Recognize the implications and limitations of their analysis and identify and address assumptions.
- Recommend, identify, or implement action(s) that address the problem and are supported by the analysis.
- Identify how the analysis (information) may be applied to new issues/problems.
Aesthetic Skills
Aesthetic Skills
Critiquing and appreciating the fine arts
At the 100-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in a minimum of three of the expectations from at least two categories.
At the 200-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in a minimum of four of the expectations from at least two categories.
Appreciation (Affective)
- Explain their visceral and/or intellectual reaction to artworks in a given media.
- Contrast their personal reactions and those of another to one or more artworks on the basis of their formal, material, and procedural elements.
- Evaluate multiple artworks on the basis of formal, material and procedural considerations.
- Evaluate the quality of an artwork in the context of a set of aesthetic criteria.
Criticism (Cognitive)
- Describe the formal, material, and procedural elements in two or more works of art in a given medium, as defined by the instructor.
- Identify the criteria involved in assessing artwork in a given medium and aesthetic criteria generally.
- Analyze a work of art or their reactions and the reactions of others, in light of aesthetic criteria.
- Interpret an artwork based on symbolic, historical, socio-political, or philosophical considerations.
Individual Accountability
Individual Accountability
Understanding what a responsible choice is and that one’s present education and lifelong learning is a personal responsibility
At the 100-level:
Students will demonstrate competence in one expectation from Responsible Choice and one expectation from either of the two remaining categories.
At the 200-level:
Students will demonstrate competence in one expectation from each section plus one additional expectation from any category.
Responsible Choice
- Identify opportunities to expand knowledge, skills, and abilities as part of completing required work.
- Identify multiple approaches for solving the problem. Approaches may be elementary in scope.
- Conduct an introductory evaluation of solutions including: history, logic, reasoning, feasibility and impact. Introductory implies that key elements of depth may be missing.
- Implement the solution in a manner that addresses the problem statement but may ignore relevant contextual factors.
Application of Prior Experience
- Apply previous knowledge and skills to demonstrate comprehension and performance in novel situations.
- Compare life experience and academic knowledge to infer differences, as well as similarities, and acknowledges perspectives other than own.
- Use skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation in a new situation to contribute to understanding of problems or issues.
Reflection and Self-Assessment
- Evaluate prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) with some depth, revealing slightly clarified meanings or indicating a somewhat broader perspective about educational or life events.
- Articulate strengths and challenges (within specific performances or events) to increase effectiveness in different contexts (through increased self-awareness).
- Evaluate results relative to the problem defined with some consideration of need for further work.
Social Justice
Understanding and questioning values and beliefs about social, political, economic, and historical contexts that construct diversity and inequality
At all levels:
Instructors will establish and clearly communicate guidelines for respectful academic interaction in the classroom.
At the 100-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in a minimum of two of the expectations in one or more categories.
At the 200-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in a minimum of three of the expectations from at least two categories.
- Identify different forms of privilege and their relationship to social justice issues in community life, politics, and government.
- Express how their own attitudes and beliefs differ from those of other cultures.
- Compare and contrast various values and beliefs in the context of historical and geopolitical events.
- Examine identity and race as a social and cultural construct from multiple perspectives with a focus on self-awareness.
- Examine research on race and culture.
- Analyze social justice from the perspectives of human rights, dignity, and freedom.
Development of Attitudes
- Recognize how personal agency and individuals can impact social change through organized and personal activism.
- Demonstrate the ability to collaboratively work in community contexts and structures
Civic Engagement
Developing the skills of educated, engaged citizenship
At the 100-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in all of the following:
- Demonstrate a responsibility to a civic good, and
- Identify intentional ways to contribute to a civic good, and
- Demonstrate the ability to work actively within community contexts and structures to achieve a civic good.
At the 200-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in all of the 100-level outcomes as well as:
- Work collaboratively with others in the community to achieve a civic good.
Global Perspective
Global Perspective
Understanding of international/global issues and processes
At the 100-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in a minimum of two of the expectations.
At the 200-level:
Students will demonstrate competency in a minimum three of the expectations from at least two categories.
- Identify major global concepts, issues, processes, and systems.
- Recognize that his/her culture is one of many diverse cultures and that alternate perceptions and behaviors may be based in cultural differences.
- Explain how human actions modify physical environments and vice versa.
- Demonstrate empathy and tolerance for ambiguity in a global context.
- Collect valid and reliable data and information on international issue.
- Apply strategies to work effectively with those who are from other cultures and places.
- Use knowledge of diverse cultural frames of reference and alternate perspectives for problem-solving
Development of Attitudes
- Express openness to most, if not all, interactions with culturally different others.
- Recognize interconnected nature of the world and the importance of global citizenship.
- Identify positive aspects of different cultures from around the globe.
- Reflect on how their own national and cultural identities have been shaped.
Collaboration to achieve a shared objective
At all levels:
- The team or group interactions should result in a specific product or products such as research projects, papers, presentations, or performances.
- The product(s) should contribute at least 20% toward a student’s overall grade in the course and at least 15% of the course grade should reflect the process of teamwork. The ratio between product and process does not have to be maintained.
- Feedback must occur at a minimum of three times during the semester and at intervals that allow for significant gains in student development.
At the 100-level:
Students will do at least three of the following:
- Offer new suggestions to advance the work of the group in team meetings
- Engage team members in ways that facilitate their contributions to meetings by restating the views of other team members and/or asking questions for clarification.
- Complete all assigned tasks by deadline and produce work that advances the project.
- Support a constructive team climate by doing any two of the following:
- Treat team members respectfully by being polite and constructive in communication.
- Convey a positive attitude about the team and its work.
- Motivate teammates by expressing confidence about the importance of the task and the team's ability to accomplish it.
- Provide assistance and/or encouragement to team members.
At the 200-level:
Students will do at least three of the following:
- Offer alternative solutions or courses of action that build on the ideas of others.
- Engage team members in ways that facilitate their contributions to meetings by constructively building upon or synthesizing the contributions of others.
- Complete all assigned tasks by deadline and produce work that is thorough, comprehensive, and advances the project.
- Support a constructive team climate by doing any three of the following:
- Treat team members respectfully by being polite and constructive in communication.
- Convey a positive attitude about the team and its work.
- Motivate teammates by expressing confidence about the importance of the task and the team's ability to accomplish it.
- Provide assistance and/or encouragement to team members.
Each department or program may offer up to five General Education courses may be offered per department/program. If one of these courses fulfills the Diversity (DV) requirement, a sixth course may be offered. Courses are restricted to the 100 and 200 levels and should have minimal prerequisites. Each General Education course should be offered at least once a year; each department/program should offer one General Education course in evening or weekend format at least every third semester.
To certify a course as counting for General Education credit, departments must submit a copy of the syllabus and any relevant assignment instructions to the General Education Director at Each General Education course must address one learning goal in each of three categories: Communication, Reasoned Judgment, and Social and Personal Responsibility. Different sections of the same course should meet the same learning outcomes but may use different assignments to do so. If all sections of a course use the same assignments, a single syllabus may be submitted for all sections. If different assignments are used in different sections, a separate syllabus must be submitted for each section. A checklist of course requirements, including a sample syllabus statement, is provided below.
The following checklist may be used when preparing a course for certification for General Education credit. The checklist includes a sample of what a General Education syllabus statement should look like.