Student researchers in Psychology

Students in our Psychology Department are actively engaged in research. Below are examples of their work and accomplishments.

Jeremy Wilbourn at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research
Amber Carleton at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research
Maggie Parkside
Marks NCUR
Amanda Marks at NCUR (National Conference on Undergraduate Research).

Maggie McMullin showing her poster to Chancellor Ford during UW-Parkside's Undergraduate Research Day. 

Maggie NCUR

Amanda Marks with her mentor Melissa Gregg at MPA. 

Marks MPA
Marks Parkside
Simmi Bharvani

Psychology major Carissa Rohde won this year's Teresa Peck Award for best paper on gender issues (written for Dr. Beyer's Psychology of Gender class). The award is worth $400. Great accomplishment!

 Simmi Bharvani presents her research on Virtual Reality and Empathy at the Undergraduate Research Day at UW-Parkside.

outstanding graduate award

Hannah Yonke won the outstanding graduate award. She also made the front page of the Kenosha News. Way to go, Hannah!

Amanda Marks showing Chancellor Ford her research at the UW-Parkside Undergraduate Research Day.
PSI Chi award

 Maggie McMullin at NCUR (National Conference on Undergraduate Research).

One of our students, Samantha Noll, received an undergraduate research grant from Psi Chi to conduct her research on visual change detection in deaf individuals (she got $2900)! Good job Sam!

Simmi Bharvani summer internship

Simmi Bharvani attended Stanford University for a summer program of classes. She applied at for this program and received a scholarship whereby she only had to pay for room and board (and her travels there). She says that it was an incredible experience. I hope some of you will apply next summer.

Yo-Fan Callewaert at APS
Yo-Fan Callewaert at APS

 Yo-Fan Callewaert presenting her research at the Association for Psychological Science

Ferstein UW-Symposium poster

 Victoria Ferstein presenting her poster at UW-System's Undergraduate Research Symposium


Michele Gloede and Emily Paulauskas published an article in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology with faculty mentor Melissa Gregg. What an accomplishment! 

Victoria Ferstein

Victoria Ferstein presenting her research at the Midwestern Psychological Association meeting in Chicago. 

Michele Gloede

Michele Gloede presenting her research at the Midwestern Psychological Association meeting in Chicago. 

Samantha Noll

Samantha Noll presenting her research at the UW-System Symposium on Undergraduate Research in Stevens Point. 

Hannah Stamper at MPA

 Hannah Stamper presenting her research at the Midwestern Psychological Association in Chicago.

Kaylyn Norris at MPA

Kaylyn Norris presenting her research at the Midwestern Psychological Association in Chicago.

Stevens Point conference

Who says research can't be fun? Samantha Noll, Amanda Greidanus, Yo-Fan Callewaert, and Victoria Ferstein present their research at the UW System Symposium in Stevens Point.

Yo-Fan Callewaert at NCUR

 Yo-Fan Callewaert, dressed as Rey from Star Wars, presents her research on "Men's behavior towards women as a function of women's costume attire (cosplay): An experimental investigation of speed dating at a popular culture convention" at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research in North Carolina. Pictured with her mentor Sylvia Beyer wielding a light saber.

Posters in the Rotunda

Victoria Ferstein (front right) and Michele Gloede (middle center) presented at "Posters in the Rotunda" in Madison, WI. Pictured with their mentor Melissa Gregg, second from left.

Teresa Peck Award Winner
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