Blackboard Collaborate
Blackboard Collaborate provides a comprehensive online learning and collaboration platform designed specifically for education. With Blackboard Collaborate, you can create Desire2Learn virtual classrooms (Desire2Learn Online Rooms), virtual office space, or communicate, collaborate, and participate in virtual meetings that can be created and scheduled right from the UW System Portal and is available to all UW-P Faculty & Staff.
The Blackboard Collaborate Launcher is a utility for Windows and Mac that provides a convenient and reliable way for you to launch your Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing sessions and recordings. When you click a session or recording link, Blackboard Collaborate checks to see if you have the launcher installed and, if you don't, prompts you to download it.When the launcher is installed, clicking a session or recording link triggers the download of a .collab file. The launcher uses this file to launch Blackboard Collaborate using a known and stable version of Java. Because the launcher includes the required Java, you do not need to install and maintain the system version of Java.
For more information. click on the reference guide link below:
Windows Launcher Reference Guide
Blackboard Collaborate & Desire2Learn
Creating a Desire2Learn Online Room
Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing
& My UW System Portal
Faculty and staff can set up and manage web conferences directly from the My UW System portal. Click on the link below to view how to set up a web conference in the portal and make it available for attendees.
Setting up Web Conferences via the My UW System Portal
User Resources
- Blackboard Collaborate Frequently Asked Questions
- Online Training Enrollment Instructions
- What's New in Blackboard Collaborate 12.5
- Introduction to Blackboard Collaborate
- Mobile Web Conferencing Moderators Guide
BBC Mobile App
The Blackboard Collaborate User Templates listed below were developed by a Blackboard Collaborate user group formed at UW-Madison. The group convenes on a regular basis to share discoveries & approaches. These templates were designed to help those with little or no experience using Blackboard Collaborate decide how best to use the tool while giving basic instructions on how to use it for their selected purpose.
Template - Blackboard Collaborate Large Group Information Dissemination User
Template - Blackboard Collaborate Small Group User
Template - Blackboard Collaborate Large Group Participatory User