Instructional design is the process of analyzing learning needs and goals and the development of an instructional plan to meet those needs and goals. The CEITL team is available to assist faculty and staff in creating goals and action plans to efficiently meet the needs of their courses and workshops both online and face-to-face. The CEITL team provides both workshops and 1-on-1 consultations for instructional design.

Online Teaching & Learning Workshops

Online Course Developers Workshop

The Online Course Developers Workshop is open to all full-time faculty and instructional staff at UW-Parkside. The OCDW is fully online, asynchronous, and self-paced.

The goal of the workshop is for each participant to produce a fully online course that will be taught at some point during the next academic year.

The Online Course Developers Workshop is open to all full-time faculty and instructional staff at UW-Parkside.

The goal of the workshop is for each participant to produce a fully online course that will be taught at some point during the next academic year. Participants should have some proficiency with the typical functions of the Canvas learning management system. Because of the intensity of the training and the workload associated with course development, we ask that you strongly consider limiting your teaching responsibilities during the summer session. Special consideration will be provided for courses that will be integrated into either certificate, associate degree or fully online degree completion programs.

Given that so many of you have already taught online or in a hybrid format due to the pandemic, the workshop this year (entirely online, self-paced, and asynchronous) will focus largely on getting the most out of students in an online environment. We’ll look at the benefits of synchronous vs asynchronous teaching, active learning techniques, using open educational resources, how to create an equitable virtual classroom environment, and much more.

There are two stipends associated with the workshop. The first $1,500 stipend is earned for successful completion of the workshop components and the creation of an online course for Parkside. The second $1,500 is earned when the course passes an in-house, modified Quality Matters review and is deemed ready to be taught online.This workshop is entirely self-paced and asynchronous, with the official launch in mid-July. After July, new faculty and/or interested academic staff are encouraged to apply as they see fit.

To apply for the workshop, please submit the following to

  • a one-page summary of the course you plan to develop in the workshop and any experience you have with teaching online already
  • a letter of support from your department chair

Advanced Online Instructor Workshop

The Advanced Online Workshop is open to all faculty and instructional staff at UW-Parkside who have already completed the Online Course Developers Workshop and have taught a mature online course (a course that has been taught at least three times).

The workshop is a mix of self-paced learning and consultations with a certified Parkside Quality Matters Peer Reviewer. The goal of the workshop is to make revisions to a mature online course so that it will pass a full, external Quality Matters review.

Enrollments for the Advanced Online Workshop are currently closed.

*There is no in-person, synchronous facilitation, only peer-to-peer work that can be scheduled at the participants’ convenience

The Advanced Online Workshop is open to all faculty and instructional staff at UW-Parkside who have already completed the Online Course Developers Workshop and teach a mature online course (a course that has been taught at least three times).

The workshop is a mix of self-paced learning and consultations with a certified Parkside Quality Matters Peer Reviewer. The goal of the workshop is to make revisions to a mature online course so that it will pass a full, external Quality Matters review. 

There are three sections of the AOW:

  1. First, the participants must complete the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) course prior to the start of the workshop.
  2. Next, participants will have roughly six weeks to work with their Quality Matters peer reviewer to get their course ready for the external QM Review.
  3. Finally, the course is submitted for the external review and, if it passes, the participant will receive an additional stipend. They will also be given the opportunity to complete the Peer Reviewer course to become a certified Quality Matters peer reviewer.

Stipend information is as follows:

  1. Participants will receive a $500 stipend for completing the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) course.
  2. Participants will earn a $1,000 stipend for participating in the Advanced Online Workshop.
  3. An additional $1,000 stipend will be earned for successfully passing the full, external QM Review.
  4. An optional, additional $750 is also available to participants interested in completing the Quality Matters Peer Reviewer course and becoming a QM Reviewer for the university (this must be done after the course passes a full, external QM Review). 

Space is limited for the Advanced Online Workshop, so we unfortunately cannot guarantee everyone who applies will be accepted into this year’s cohort.


The Innovations in Learning team provides 1-on-1 consultations for instructional design. Those consultations can go over a variety of areas such as interactive learning for online courses and formative assessments for courses.

If you are interested in meeting with our team 1-on-1 to go over your course, please e-mail us at: and we will get back to you within 24 hours to set up a meeting.

Consultations could include:

  • Developing Online Courses

  • How to Utilize Canvas in Your Course

  • Choosing Third Party Tools

  • Using Video Content in Your Course

  • Creating Assessments

  • Instructional Continuity

Professional Development

Professional development is the process of increasing the abilities of faculty and staff through various educational training and workshop opportunities. The Innovations in Learning team collaborates with departments on campus to provide workshops and training opportunities throughout the year. Those opportunities range anywhere from beginner/advanced Canvas workshops, classroom technology training, and pedagogical training.

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