
The UW-Parkside Student Handbook is designed to provide students with information on important campus offices/programs, important dates, and University policies. It is each student's responsibility to become familiar with the information provided in the Student Handbook. The UW-Parkside Student Handbook is available here. 

Select University Policies

Listed below are select University Policies included in the Student Handbook.
Click here to view a full listing of University Administrative Policies.

University of Wisconsin-Parkside Drug Free Schools and Communities Act  Administrative Policy #16

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-228) require that, as a condition of receiving any federal funds or form of financial assistance, colleges and universities must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol. The intent of the following information is to fulfill the legal requirements of federal law by providing each University of Wisconsin-Parkside employee and student information on institutional drug and alcohol policies, relevant state and federal laws, long-term health effects of substance abuse, and local treatment resources. Standards of Conduct and University Sanctions Concerning Illicit Drugs and Alcohol The University of Wisconsin system and the University of Wisconsin-Parkside prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution, manufacture or dispensing of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on university property or as part of university activities.

The use or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on university premises, except in university residence halls as regulated by policy and as expressly permitted by the Chancellor under institutional regulations, in accordance with s. UWS 18.06(13)(by), Wisconsin Administrative Code. The unlawful uses, possession, distribution, manufacture or dispensing of illicit drugs (e.g. Controlled substances as defined in Chapter 161, Wisconsin Statutes,) is prohibited in accordance with s. UWS 18.10, Wisconsin Administrative Code.

Violation of these provisions by a student may lead to the imposition of disciplinary sanctions, up to and including suspension or expulsion, under s. UWS 17.06(1)(c), Wisconsin Administrative Code. UW-Parkside employees are also subject to disciplinary sanctions for violation of these provisions occurring on university property or the worksite or during work time, up to and including termination from employment. Disciplinary sanctions are initiated and imposed in accordance with procedural requirements of either UWPF Chapter VII-Faculty Rights and Responsibilities for faculty, the Academic Staff Policies and Procedures Chapters 8 or 10 for academic staff, or the appropriate provisions of the current collective bargaining agreement or pertinent civil service regulations for classified staff. Referral for prosecution under criminal law is also possible. Further, violations of ss. UWS 18.06(13) and 18.10, Wisconsin Administrative Code may result in additional penalties as allowed under chapter 18, Wisconsin  Administrative Code. 

UW-Parkside faculty and classified and unclassified staff who are convicted of any criminal drug statute violation occurring in the workplace must notify their Vice/Assistance Chancellor, dean, director or department chair within 5 days of the conviction if they are employed at the time of the conviction. The full policy can be viewed Here.

University of Wisconsin-Parkside Access to Student Information Policy  Administrative Policy #1

The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for the release of student related data for both on-campus and off-campus use. The intent of restricting access to data is to protect student information from use other than that for which it was intended. This is accomplished in part by limiting access to those who have a "need to know".

Data elements considered public domain by the Buckley Amendment unless restricted by the student are: name, address, telephone numbers, date of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height (athletes), dates of attendance, including current classification and withdrawal dates, at the University, degrees and awards received, and name of the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended. Since these elements are "directory information" they must be released if requested by either on-campus or off-campus sources unless the student makes a specific request to the Office of the Registrar to withhold this information. The Wisconsin Public Information Law requires the release of any information that is not protected by another law. Therefore the data elements listed as "directory information" by the Buckley Amendment are not protected unless the student has so specified. These items must be released even if the requestor refuses to give a name or reason for wanting the information. The campus resource person on questions relating to the Wisconsin Public Information Law is the Director of Archives Ext. 2411. If you are not clear about whether certain information can be released, the Director of Archives should be your first contact. The full policy can be viewed here.


University of Wisconsin-Parkside Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy Administrative Policy #36

The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is dedicated to providing a teaching, learning and working environment in which faculty, staff and students can discover, examine critically, preserve, and transmit the knowledge, wisdom, and values that will improve quality of life for all. To promote these institutional values, UW-Parkside is committed to creating and maintaining a community environment that is free from sexual violence and sexual harassment.

This policy prohibits acts of sexual violence and sexual harassment on university property, at university-sanctioned or university-affiliated events, and where off-campus conduct affects a member of the university community. This policy applies to all university students and employees.

The university is committed to educating its community and to promptly and effectively respond to and redress conduct that violates this policy. This policy provides the UW-Parkside community with information and resources to identify, report, and respond to sexual violence and sexual harassment including sexual assault, stalking, and dating and domestic violence. These efforts support the overall missions of UW-Parkside and the UW System.

The full policy can be viewed at: https://www.uwp.edu/explore/offices/governance/policy36.cfm

Complaints of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, sexual violence or other sexual misconduct may be directed to the University’s Title IX Coordinator:

Trina Patterson
Title IX Coordinator

University of Wisconsin-Parkside Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Policy Administrative Policy #15


The University of Wisconsin System is committed to making individuals with disabilities full participants in its programs, services and activities through its compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The Board of Regents recognizes that individuals with disabilities may need accommodations to have equally effective opportunities to participate in or benefit from the university's programs, services and activities.

It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin System that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall be denied access to or participation in any program, service, or activity offered by the universities. Individuals with disabilities have a right to request accommodations. Individuals will receive appropriate accommodations to their needs in order to fully participate in or benefit from the university's programs, services and activities in a nondiscriminatory, integrated setting.

The University of Wisconsin System and any of its agents shall not coerce, intimidate, retaliate against or discriminate against any individual for exercising a right under the ADA or Section 504, or for assisting or supporting another to exercise a right under the ADA or Section 504. The University of Wisconsin System will not give significant assistance to an agency, organization, or person that discriminates on the basis of disability in providing any aid, benefit or service to beneficiaries of the university's programs.


  1. Disability means, with respect to an individual:
    • a.  a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities;
    • b.  a history of such an impairment; or
    • c.  being regarded as having such an impairment.
  2. A Qualified Individual with a Disability is someone who (with or without accommodations) meets the essential eligibility requirements for participating in programs, services, and activities provided by the university.
  3. Accommodation means adjustments including reasonable modifications to rules, policies, or practices; environmental adjustments such as the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers; or auxiliary aids and services. Examples of accommodations include, but are not limited to: alternative testing, extended time, scribe, interpreter, environment free of distractions, brailed material, taped lectures,  and computer-assisted instruction.
  4. Essential Eligibility Requirement means the academic or other technical standards required for admission to or participation in the university's programs, services, or activities which an individual must be able to meet with or without accommodation.
  5. Individual means any person applying for admission to or participation in a program, service or activity of the university, or any person currently participating in a program, service or activity of the university. 
The full policy can be viewed here.

University of Wisconsin-Parkside Statement on Consensual Relationships Administrative Policy #45

It is in the interest of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside to provide clear direction and educational opportunities to the University community about the professional risks associated with consensual romantic and/or sexual relationships where a definite power differential between the parties exists. These relationships are of concern for two primary reasons.

  1. Conflict of Interest. Conflicts of interest may arise in connection with consensual romantic and/or sexual relationships between faculty or other instructional staff and students, or between supervisors and subordinates. University policy and more general ethical principles preclude individuals from evaluating the work or academic performance of others with whom they have intimate familial relationships, or from making hiring, salary, or similar financial decisions concerning such persons. The same principles apply to consensual romantic and/or sexual relationships, and require, at a minimum, that appropriate arrangements be made for objective decision-making with regard to the student, subordinate, or prospective employee.
  2. Abuse of Power Differential. Although conflict of interest issues can be resolved, in a consensual romantic and/or sexual relationship involving a power differential, the potential for serious consequences remains. Individuals entering into such relationships must recognize that: 
    • a.    The reasons for entering such a relationship may be a function of the power differential;
    • b.    Even in a seeming consensual relationship, where power differentials exist there are limited after-the-fact defenses against charges of sexual harassment; and 
    • c.    The individual with the power in the relationship will bear the burden of accountability. 
    • d.    Such a relationship, whether in a class or work situation, may affect the educational or employment environment for others by creating an appearance of improper, unprofessional, or possibly discriminatory conduct.
University of Wisconsin-Parkside Student Preferred Name Policy
Administrative Policy #99

The University of Wisconsin-Parkside recognizes that students may choose to identify themselves within the university community with a preferred first name that differs from their legal name. The goal of the Student Preferred Name policy at UW-Parkside is to provide a consistent preferred name experience across the university and allow the use of preferred name wherever possible and wherever legal name is not absolutely required.

As long as the use of the preferred first name is not used for the purpose of misrepresentation, it will appear instead of the legal first name in select university systems and documents (systems that do not require legal name based on university or legal requirement).

This policy outlines the use of a preferred name solely within UW-Parkside’s internal systems. All external communications such as hometown newspapers, official transcripts, enrollment verifications, degree verifications, etc. will continue to use the student’s legal name. Commencement Programs and Diplomas will use the Diploma Name identified by the student as part of the graduation application process.

The full policy can be viewed at: https://www.uwp.edu/explore/offices/governance/policy99.cfm.

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