Student Conduct Process

Generally, students who violate  UWS Chapters 14, 17, and/or 18 will face student conduct procedures administered through Student Affairs. Students, however, who violate University Housing Policy will face student conduct sanctions,administered through the Office of Residence Life.  A complete reference to the procedures can be found in UWS Chapters 14, 17, and 18 of the University of Wisconsin Administrative Code.


Where is Student Affairs located?

Student Affairs is located in WYLL 340. The office is a part of the Administrative Offices on the L3 level of Wyllie Hall. The phone number is (262) 595-2598.

How is Student Affairs notified of allegations of misconduct?
Reports of allegations of misconduct can be reported in several ways: incident reports generated by residence hall staff, Parkside Police reports, faculty and staff referrals, as well as personal reports from students or use the online reporting form.

What is a conduct meeting?

It is a meeting held for the purpose of reviewing the incident report and specifically discussing the students' behavior and the basis of the allegation: ascertaining the facts and determining responsibility. During the meeting, students will have the opportunity to share information and discuss the incident.


What happens at the conduct meeting?
Based upon the information presented during the conduct meeting, a determination is made with regards to responsibility for the alleged violation(s). If a student is found not responsible, the matter is considered resolved and no further action is taken. The student will be notified of the finding by letter. If a student is found responsible for violating student conduct/University policy, sanctions will be determined and the student will be informed in writing of the decision, the required sanctions and the deadlines for completion.
What is a sanction and an examples of a sanction?
A sanction is a penalty for violating the student conduct code/University policy. The sanction(s) provide the student with the opportunity to examine behavior and decision-making. In addition, to encourage the growth and development of the student, sanctions serve as a deterrent for further misconduct, provide accountability for misconduct and protect the University community. Sanctions can range from a written reprimand to permanent expulsion from the University. Examples of commonly assigned sanctions include: residence hall probation, community service, or a creative sanction. A creative sanction may include writing a paper, watching a video, etc.

Will disciplinary sanctions appear on my record?
Disciplinary actions do not appear on the official academic transcript. A separate disciplinary file is maintained in Student Affairs for a period of seven years and then is confidentially destroyed.
Will my parents, employers, landlords or other persons be notified or informed of a disciplinary action or record?
In general, student records that are defined as educational or treatment records are considered confidential in nature (except for directory information) and shall not be disclosed to a third party without the written consent of the student unless otherwise required by law. Under the federal regulation titled "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act" (FERPA), there are certain exceptions under which the University may disclose education or treatment records without the written consent of the student. For example, the University may disclose educational records in response to a court order or subpoena, health or safety exception or when the information involves the final results of a student's disciplinary proceedings to the victim of an alleged crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense. In addition, FERPA allows for the University to notify the parent or legal guardian of a student under the age of 21 years of violation(s) of federal, state or local law or rule or policy of the University relating to the illegal use or possession of alcohol or controlled substances. Additional information may be found in the federal regulations at 20 U.S.C. 1232(g) and 34 C.F.R. Part 99.
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