CIS Steering Committee

The Steering Committee of the Center for International Studies is made up of faculty and staff from all four Colleges at UW-Parkside. The Steering Committee is responsible for setting all policies for the Center. The Director of CIS also chairs the Steering Committee. Committee members have three year renewable terms. The Committee is currently composed of the following members:

Name Phone Building/Room Department
AKINDES, Simon (Director) 2229  GRNQ L217  Political Science 
BAHMANI, Sahar 2421 MOLN 278 Economics
BANERJEE, Madhumita 3418 GRNQ L318 Sociology
BROWNSON, Elizabeth 2070 MOLN 129 History
DA’NA, Seif 2237 GRNQ L315 Sociology
GILLOGLY, Kate  2147 GRNQ L325 Anthropology
PHILIPPA, Laine  3215  GRNQ L209  International Student Services/Study Abroad 
WANG, Xun (George) 2520 GRNQ L316 Sociology/Anthropology
WANG, Zhemin (Jamie) 2436 MOLN 336 Business


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