Moon Shot for Equity
In Fall 2020, UW-Parkside, along with Carthage College, Milwaukee Area Technical College, and the UW-Milwaukee, became the nation’s first regional consortium to commit to “Moon Shot for Equity.”
The Moonshot Aspiration is simple - Eliminate equity gaps in retention and completion by 2030 for historically underserved student populations.
By 2030, we strive to:
- Increase overall 100% graduation rate for FTFT cohort to 30%
- Increase overall 150% graduation rate for FTFT cohort to 50%
- Increase overall retention rate for FTFT cohort to 78%
- Eliminate equity gaps in retention and graduation for Black,Hispanic and Pell eligible students
Click here to see our latest Moonshot related data.
Moon Shot Best Practices
Academic Degree Maps
Establish clear academic and career pathways to timely completion of courses that count, reducing the time (and money) to graduate.
Campus Culture and Equity focused PD
Understand student perceptions and experiences, identify strengths and areas for improvement. In addition, provide training on racial literacy and racial equity problem-solving skills. Check out the our NACCC Campus Climate Survey results.
Coordinate Care
Utilize Navigate to create a coordinated care network across offices to easily coordinate and collaborate on appropriate next steps for student support.
Gateway Course Redesign
Redesign courses to support the placement of students in college-level writing and/or math to ensure timely progression to and through their gateway math and English courses.
Hold and Policy Reform
Eliminate or revise unnecessary holds or other policies that prevent student progression and completion and develop appropriate intervention strategies to help mitigate any negative impact.
Proactive Advising
Provide holistic support to students, utilizing data and feedback to focus attention on students who need their support.
Retention Grants
Provide emergency and retention grant support for students. Use Navigate for early intervention and alerts related to financial concerns to help financially insecure students stay in school and on path to graduation.
Second Chance for Adults
Remove barriers to re-enrollment and create flexible learning environments to enable adult students to complete their degrees.
Transfer Pathways
Better understand how students are transferring between institutions and create a more equitable system that provide a more seamless transfer experience for students. Current work is focused on education.
15 to Finish, Math Pathways and Meta Majors have been implemented at scale.
Student Belonging
Evaluate best practices and develop support and response plans to ensure that all students, especially those from underserved backgrounds, feel supported and valued by campus community.