The Purchasing Card is a University liability VISA card issued and supported by US Bank. The PCard is only authorized for University of Wisconsin Parkside business use.
Ask your supervisor if you think may need a PCard.
If you think you may need a purchasing card, you may Apply for a PCard. Please note: The PCard application is on the UW System site behind multi-factor authentication.
You are required to complete Purchasing Card training. Contact Purchasing to be added to the Canvas Course.
Review the UW System Purchasing Card Policy and Procedure Manual.
U.S. Bank will mail the card directly to the card applicant at the address indicated on the card application. Cards are typically received 7-10 days after applications are processed.
Register for Access Online: To gain online access to your purchasing card account, visit U.S. Bank’s Access Online, click Register Online, and follow the prompts on the subsequent screens. This page provides helpful hints to register online.
You will need online access for your monthly PCard expense submission.
Activate the Card: To activate a purchasing card, visit U.S. Bank’s Access Online, click Activate Your Card, and follow the prompts on the subsequent screens.
Sign the Card: Be sure to sign the back of your new purchasing card.
One-time purchases can be made using a PCard. Recurring purchases can be made on a PCard or a contract blanket order can be used based upon Department preference.
You may not split a transaction to keep the dollar amount of each transaction under $5,000. This is serial purchasing or fragmenting a transaction to avoid the delegation limit and is not an acceptable alternative.
- The only person authorized to use the PCard is the person whose name appears on the card.
- We are a tax exempt organization and, therefore, should not be charged sales tax in the state of Wisconsin. If proof of our tax exempt status is required, please send the supplier our Tax Exempt Letter.
- The item you want to purchase may be on ShopUW+ or covered on a mandatory contract. If so, make sure to order the item from the Mandatory Supplier. Search for the Contracts on VendorNet. You can search an alphabetic listing of contracts.
- Do not use Ineligible Suppliers. Logon to VendorNet to view the Contract Compliance Vendor Directory.
- Do not purchase items from the Exclusion List.
As of March 4, 2022, all PCard transactions are in SFS. There is a daily (Monday- Friday) feed of all transactions from US Bank.
You will receive an email notifying you of any transactions to be reconciled. Click on the link in your email to be directed to your transaction.
Each transaction must have a business purpose and the appropriate attachments: an itemized receipt, any procurement documentation that is needed including an itinerary, roster, etc.
You may also re-distribute your funding strings in SFS.
When you have everything added and complete, change the status to VERIFIED and save. Finally choose any verified item using the checkboxes on the left of your list and hit the Notify Approver button.
You must submit your PCard Transactions in a timely manner. You have 30 days from the date of the transaction to verify AND have it approved by your department approver.
If your transaction has not been completed by DAY 15 after the transaction date, you - the CARDHOLDER- will receive daily emails for the next 15 days. If you have already verified the transaction, please notify your approver again that they MUST go in and approve the transaction.
Remember that you must verify AND the approver must approve the transaction before the 30th day.
If you miss the deadline, you will have to use a manual process to upload your documents and your approver will have to use a manual process to add approvals in the system.
If you receive a notice that your transaction has been audited and needs to updated, please follow the instructions here.
Business Services
900 Wood Rd.
Kenosha, WI 53144
Tallent Hall 245
Parking: Lot T
Office Hours
- SUNClosed
- MON7:45 AM to 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
- TUE7:45 AM to 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
- WED7:45 AM to 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
- THU7:45 AM to 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
- FRI7:45 AM to 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
- SATClosed
US Bank Customer Service
US Bank Fraud