ART 374 Typography II
ART 487 Design Portfolio
CBL 495 Capstone in Community Based Learning 
COMM 258  Podcasting
COMM 480 Practicum in Organizational Communication
CRMJ/SOCA 365 Race, Crime, Law
EDU 300 Creating Effective Learning Environments
EDU 430 Using Action Research to Improve Instruction
FIN 435  Security Analysis/Portfolio Management 
HLTH 280 Nutrition for Wellness
HRM 343 Human Resource Management
HRM 441 Strategic Staffing

KSP 325

Exercise Leadership & Management
MBA 752 Marketing Management
MIS 425 System Analysis and Design
MKT 358 Promotions Management 
PHYS 241 Scientific Programming 
POLS 302 Environmental Policy
SPMT 370 Event Management
ART 391 Special Topics in Art History
ART 472 Graphic Design II
CBL 101 Intro to Community Engagement 
CBL 494 Civic Internship
CBL 495 Capstone in Community Based Learning
COMM 350 Digital Storytelling
COMM 435 Integrated Marketing
CSCI 475 Software Engineering Principles and Practice I
EDU 430 Using Action Research to Improve Instruction
ENVS 336 Environmental Justice 
ETHN/PHYS 120 Astronomy of Native America
GEOS 470 Remediation Science & Technology
HLTH 280  Nutrition for Wellness 
HRM 343

Human Resources Management 

KSP 410 Fitness Assessment and Prescription
MKT 354 Market Research
MUS 300 Music Teaching and Learning
PHIL 215 Contemporary Moral Problems
POLS 375 Elections and Political Participation
PSYC 492 Psychology Research Seminar
SPMT 370 Event Management
ART 371  Digital Photography 
ART 487  Design Portfolio 
CBL 495 Community Engagement Capstone 
COMM 258 Podcasting
COMM 480 Practicum in Public Relations 
COMM 485 Practicum Conflict Intervention 
CRMJ 365/SOCA 265  Race, Crime, Law
CSCI 476 Software Engineering Principles and Practice II
EDU 300 Creating Effective Learning Environments 
EDU 430 Using Action Research to Improve Instruction
GEOG 410 GIS and Communities 
HLTH 280  Nutrition for Wellness 
HRM 343

Human Resources Management 

HRM 441 Strategic Staffing 
KSP 325 Exercise Leadership Management 
MIS 425 System Analysis and Design  
MKT 358 Promotions Management 
SPMT 370 Event Management
CBL 101 Intro to Community Engagement
CBL 494 Civic Internship
CBL 495 Capstone in Community Based Learning
CMHC 706  Group Counseling
COMM 275 Constructive Communication
COMM 435 Integrated Marketing
COMM 475 Advanced Constructive Communication
CRMJ 365/SOCA 265  Race, Crime, Law
CSCI 475 Software Engineering Principles and Practice I
EDU 430 Using Action Research to Improve Instruction
ETHN 120/PHY 120 Astronomy of Native America
HLTH 280  Nutrition for Wellness 
HRM 343

Human Resources Management 

HRM 442   Training/Performance Management
KSP 410 Fitness Assessment and Prescription
MKT 354  Market Research
MUSE 300 Music Teaching and Learning
PHIL 215 Contemporary Moral Problems
SOCA 495 Senior Seminar
SPMT 370 Event Management

ART 374

Typography II
ART 387 Special Topics in Graphic Design
CBL 101 Intro to Community Engagement
CBL 495 Capstone in Community-Based Learning
CMHC 716  Social/Cultural Foundation of Counseling
COMM 258  Podcasting
COMM 340 Health Communication
COMM 368 Children in the Media
COMM 485 Practicum Conflict Intervention
CSCI 476 Software Engr Princpl/Pract II (sections 001 & 002)
CRMJ 365/SOCA 265  Race, Crime & Law
EDU 300

Creating Effective Learning Environments

EDU 430 Action Research to Improve Instruction
ETHN 338/MUSI 338 Music of the Great Migration
ETHN 120/PHY 120 Astronomy of Native America
HLTH 280  Nutrition for Wellness (sections 001, 002 & 003)
HLTH 330 Exercise Leadership Management
HRM 343

Human Resources Management (sections 001, 002)

HRM 441   Strategic Staffing
MIS 425  System Analysis & Design
MKT 354  Market Research
MKT 358 Promotions Management
POLS 302  Environmental Policy
SOCA 495 Senior Seminar
SPAN 204

Spanish Grammar/Composition (section 002 only)

SPAN 304

Spanish Grammar/Composition

SPAN 325

Spanish for Professions

SPMT 370 Event Management


CBL 101 Intro to Community Engagement
CBL 495    Capstone in Community-Based Learning
COMM 255 Writing for Multimedia
COMM 435 Integrated Marketing Communication
COMM 485  Practicum in Conflict Intervention
CRMJ 365    Race, Crime, & Law (only section 001 is CBL)
CSCI 475

Software Engr Princpl/Pract I

EDU 430  Using Action Research to Improve Instruction
ETHN 120  Astronomy of Native America
HLTH 280   Nutrition for Wellness
HRM 343  Human Resource Management
HRM 442     Training/Performance Management
HRM 444  

Compensation and Benefits

KSP 410 

Fitness Assessment and Prescription

MUSE 300  Music Teaching and Learning
PHYS 120     Astronomy of Native America
PSYC 390 Special Topics: Body Image and Disordered Eating
SOCA 365 Race, Crime, & Law (only section 001 is CBL)
SPAN 303  Spanish Grammar/Composition
SPMT 370   Event Management


AHS 101 Intro Applied Health Sciences
CBL 101 Intro to Community Based Learning
CBL 495 Community Engagement Capstone
CMHC 716 Social and Cultural Foundations in Counseling
CMHC 740

Foundation of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

COMM 255   Writing for Multimedia
COMM 258   Podcasting
COMM 485 Practicum in Conflict Intervention
CRMJ 365*   Race, Crime and Law (*section 001 only)
CSCI 476/676 Software Engr Princpl/Pract II
EDU 430  

Using Action Research to Improve Instruction

ETHN 339

Music of the Great Migration

GEOG 355   Field Mapping
GEOG 410   GIS and Communities
HLTH 280 Nutrition for Wellness
HLTH 330 Exercise Leadership
HRM 343   Human Resource Management
MIS 425   System Analysis And Design
MKT 358 Promotions Management
MUSI 339

Music of the Great Migration

PHYS 120   Astronomy of Native America (DV)
POLS 302   Environmental Policy
PSYC 329   Brain Development & Plasticity
SOCA 216 Substance Use and Abuse
SPAN 204 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 322   Spanish Literature Since 1700
SOCA 365 Race, Crime and Law
SPMT 370 Event Management
AHS 101           

Intro Applied Health Sciences

ART 371 Digital Photography
ART 391  

Art History – Art & Community in SE WI

CBL 101           Intro to Community Based Learning
CBL 495  

Community Engagement Capstone

COMM 435    

Integrated Marketing Communication

COMM 468     Media Literacy Project
COMM 485   Practicum in Conflict Intervention
CSCI 380   

Data Management Systems

CSCI 475/675   Software Engr Princpl/Pract I
ETHN 338     Music of the Great Migration
GEOG 301          Geomorphology
HESM 370          Event Management
HESM 410          Fitness Assessment and Prescription
HLTH 280           Nutrition for Wellness
HRM 343            Human Resource Management
HRM 442           Improving Employee Performance
HRM 444           Compensation and Benefits
MKT 354          Market Research
MKT 358          Promotions Management
MUSE 300         Music Teaching and Learning
MUSI 338   Music of the Great Migration
PHIL 215         Contemporary Moral Problems
SOCA 365       Race, Crime and Law
SPRING 2021  
AHS 101   Intro Applied Health Sciences
ART 371    Digital Photography  
BIOS 495 Senior Seminar
CBL 101          Intro to Community Based Learning
CBL 495   Community Engagement Capstone
COMM 258 Podcasting
COMM 368 Children in the Media
COMM 468 Media Literacy Project
CSCI 476/676   Software Engr Princpl/Pract II
EDU 440           Seminar Teacher Preparation Portfolio Design
GEOG 355        Field Mapping
HESM 280        Sports and Fitness Nutrition
HESM 370        Event Management
HESM 430       Fitness Program Management
HRM 343          Human Resource Management
MIS 425            System Analysis And Design
MKT 354    Market Research
MKT 358    Promotions Management
PHIL 215   Contemporary Moral Problems
POLS 302      Environmental Policy
SOCA 216    Substance Use/Abuse
SPAN 335        Latin American literature & Culture Since 1700
FALL 2020  
AHS 101 Introduction to Applied Health Sciences
ART 371 Digital Photography
CBL 101 Introduction to Community Engagement
COMM 435 Integrated Marketing Communication
COMM 468 Digital & Media Literacy Certificate Capstone
COMM 485 Practicum in Conflict Intervention
CRMJ 365   Race, Crime, and Law (crosslisted as SOCA 365)
CSCI 475            Software Engineering
EDU 200 Education Learning Community Seminar & Pre-Clinical II
EDU 210

Exploring Children’s Worlds in Classroom, Context and Community

EDU 300 Seminar and Practicum I: The Learner and Learning
EDU 310 Seminar: Learning Design and Assessment
EDU 430 Seminar: Using Technology to Engage in Action Research I
EDU 440 Seminar: Teacher Preparation Portfolio Design
GEOG 460   Introduction to GIS
HESM 280 Sport and Fitness Nutrition
HESM 321   Women’s Health Issues
HESM 370   Event Management
HESM 410  Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription
MUSE 300   Music Teaching & Learning
PHIL 215

Contemporary Moral Problems

SOCA 303   Program Evaluation
SOCA 365 Race, Crime, and Law (crosslisted as CRMJ 365)
SPRING 2020  
AHS 101 Intro to Applied Health Sciences
ANTH 300   Topics in Data Collection and Analysis
ART 371 Digital Photography
BUS 201 Experiencing Business
CBL 101

Intro To Community Based Learning

CMHC 740

Foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

COMM 255   Writing for Multimedia
COMM 258 Podcasting
COMM 340 Health Communication
COMM 368 Children and the Media
COMM 468 Media Literacy Project
COMM 485 Practicum Conflict Intervention
CRMJ/SOCA 365 Race, Crime and Law
CRMJ 373   Criminal Justice And Mental Health
CSCI 476 Software Engr Princpl/Pract I
EDU 200   Teaching The Whole Child
EDU 300  Creating Effective Learning Environments
GEOS 301 Geomorphology
HESM 220 Applied Sport Management
HESM 221

Applied Exercise Science

HESM 280 Sport And Fitness Nutrition
HESM 370 Event Management
HESM 430

Fitness Program Management

MIS 425 Systems Analysis & Design
PHIL 215 Contemporary Moral Problems
POLS 302 Environmental Policy
PSYC 492 Psychology Research Seminar
SOCA 303  Program Evaluation
SOCA 306   Research in Community Needs
SOCA 336  Childhood & Society
SOCA/CRMJ 365 Race, Crime and Law


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