CBL Course List
ART 374 | Typography II |
ART 487 | Design Portfolio |
CBL 495 | Capstone in Community Based Learning |
COMM 258 | Podcasting |
COMM 480 | Practicum in Organizational Communication |
CRMJ/SOCA 365 | Race, Crime, Law |
EDU 300 | Creating Effective Learning Environments |
EDU 430 | Using Action Research to Improve Instruction |
FIN 435 | Security Analysis/Portfolio Management |
HLTH 280 | Nutrition for Wellness |
HRM 343 | Human Resource Management |
HRM 441 | Strategic Staffing |
KSP 325 |
Exercise Leadership & Management |
MBA 752 | Marketing Management |
MIS 425 | System Analysis and Design |
MKT 358 | Promotions Management |
PHYS 241 | Scientific Programming |
POLS 302 | Environmental Policy |
SPMT 370 | Event Management |
Fall 2024
ART 391 | Special Topics in Art History |
ART 472 | Graphic Design II |
CBL 101 | Intro to Community Engagement |
CBL 494 | Civic Internship |
CBL 495 | Capstone in Community Based Learning |
COMM 350 | Digital Storytelling |
COMM 435 | Integrated Marketing |
CSCI 475 | Software Engineering Principles and Practice I |
EDU 430 | Using Action Research to Improve Instruction |
ENVS 336 | Environmental Justice |
ETHN/PHYS 120 | Astronomy of Native America |
GEOS 470 | Remediation Science & Technology |
HLTH 280 | Nutrition for Wellness |
HRM 343 |
Human Resources Management |
KSP 410 | Fitness Assessment and Prescription |
MKT 354 | Market Research |
MUS 300 | Music Teaching and Learning |
PHIL 215 | Contemporary Moral Problems |
POLS 375 | Elections and Political Participation |
PSYC 492 | Psychology Research Seminar |
SPMT 370 | Event Management |
Spring 2024
ART 371 | Digital Photography |
ART 487 | Design Portfolio |
CBL 495 | Community Engagement Capstone |
COMM 258 | Podcasting |
COMM 480 | Practicum in Public Relations |
COMM 485 | Practicum Conflict Intervention |
CRMJ 365/SOCA 265 | Race, Crime, Law |
CSCI 476 | Software Engineering Principles and Practice II |
EDU 300 | Creating Effective Learning Environments |
EDU 430 | Using Action Research to Improve Instruction |
GEOG 410 | GIS and Communities |
HLTH 280 | Nutrition for Wellness |
HRM 343 |
Human Resources Management |
HRM 441 | Strategic Staffing |
KSP 325 | Exercise Leadership Management |
MIS 425 | System Analysis and Design |
MKT 358 | Promotions Management |
SPMT 370 | Event Management |
Fall 2023
CBL 101 | Intro to Community Engagement |
CBL 494 | Civic Internship |
CBL 495 | Capstone in Community Based Learning |
CMHC 706 | Group Counseling |
COMM 275 | Constructive Communication |
COMM 435 | Integrated Marketing |
COMM 475 | Advanced Constructive Communication |
CRMJ 365/SOCA 265 | Race, Crime, Law |
CSCI 475 | Software Engineering Principles and Practice I |
EDU 430 | Using Action Research to Improve Instruction |
ETHN 120/PHY 120 | Astronomy of Native America |
HLTH 280 | Nutrition for Wellness |
HRM 343 |
Human Resources Management |
HRM 442 | Training/Performance Management |
KSP 410 | Fitness Assessment and Prescription |
MKT 354 | Market Research |
MUSE 300 | Music Teaching and Learning |
PHIL 215 | Contemporary Moral Problems |
SOCA 495 | Senior Seminar |
SPMT 370 | Event Management |
Spring 2023
ART 374 |
Typography II |
ART 387 | Special Topics in Graphic Design |
CBL 101 | Intro to Community Engagement |
CBL 495 | Capstone in Community-Based Learning |
CMHC 716 | Social/Cultural Foundation of Counseling |
COMM 258 | Podcasting |
COMM 340 | Health Communication |
COMM 368 | Children in the Media |
COMM 485 | Practicum Conflict Intervention |
CSCI 476 | Software Engr Princpl/Pract II (sections 001 & 002) |
CRMJ 365/SOCA 265 | Race, Crime & Law |
EDU 300 |
Creating Effective Learning Environments |
EDU 430 | Action Research to Improve Instruction |
ETHN 338/MUSI 338 | Music of the Great Migration |
ETHN 120/PHY 120 | Astronomy of Native America |
HLTH 280 | Nutrition for Wellness (sections 001, 002 & 003) |
HLTH 330 | Exercise Leadership Management |
HRM 343 |
Human Resources Management (sections 001, 002) |
HRM 441 | Strategic Staffing |
MIS 425 | System Analysis & Design |
MKT 354 | Market Research |
MKT 358 | Promotions Management |
POLS 302 | Environmental Policy |
SOCA 495 | Senior Seminar |
SPAN 204 |
Spanish Grammar/Composition (section 002 only) |
SPAN 304 |
Spanish Grammar/Composition |
SPAN 325 |
Spanish for Professions |
SPMT 370 | Event Management |
Fall 2022
CBL 101 | Intro to Community Engagement |
CBL 495 | Capstone in Community-Based Learning |
COMM 255 | Writing for Multimedia |
COMM 435 | Integrated Marketing Communication |
COMM 485 | Practicum in Conflict Intervention |
CRMJ 365 | Race, Crime, & Law (only section 001 is CBL) |
CSCI 475 |
Software Engr Princpl/Pract I |
EDU 430 | Using Action Research to Improve Instruction |
ETHN 120 | Astronomy of Native America |
HLTH 280 | Nutrition for Wellness |
HRM 343 | Human Resource Management |
HRM 442 | Training/Performance Management |
HRM 444 |
Compensation and Benefits |
KSP 410 |
Fitness Assessment and Prescription |
MUSE 300 | Music Teaching and Learning |
PHYS 120 | Astronomy of Native America |
PSYC 390 | Special Topics: Body Image and Disordered Eating |
SOCA 365 | Race, Crime, & Law (only section 001 is CBL) |
SPAN 303 | Spanish Grammar/Composition |
SPMT 370 | Event Management |
AHS 101 | Intro Applied Health Sciences |
CBL 101 | Intro to Community Based Learning |
CBL 495 | Community Engagement Capstone |
CMHC 716 | Social and Cultural Foundations in Counseling |
CMHC 740 |
Foundation of Clinical Mental Health Counseling |
COMM 255 | Writing for Multimedia |
COMM 258 | Podcasting |
COMM 485 | Practicum in Conflict Intervention |
CRMJ 365* | Race, Crime and Law (*section 001 only) |
CSCI 476/676 | Software Engr Princpl/Pract II |
EDU 430 |
Using Action Research to Improve Instruction |
ETHN 339 |
Music of the Great Migration |
GEOG 355 | Field Mapping |
GEOG 410 | GIS and Communities |
HLTH 280 | Nutrition for Wellness |
HLTH 330 | Exercise Leadership |
HRM 343 | Human Resource Management |
MIS 425 | System Analysis And Design |
MKT 358 | Promotions Management |
MUSI 339 |
Music of the Great Migration |
PHYS 120 | Astronomy of Native America (DV) |
POLS 302 | Environmental Policy |
PSYC 329 | Brain Development & Plasticity |
SOCA 216 | Substance Use and Abuse |
SPAN 204 | Intermediate Spanish II |
SPAN 322 | Spanish Literature Since 1700 |
SOCA 365 | Race, Crime and Law |
SPMT 370 | Event Management |
FALL 2021
AHS 101 |
Intro Applied Health Sciences |
ART 371 | Digital Photography |
ART 391 |
Art History – Art & Community in SE WI |
CBL 101 | Intro to Community Based Learning |
CBL 495 |
Community Engagement Capstone |
COMM 435 |
Integrated Marketing Communication |
COMM 468 | Media Literacy Project |
COMM 485 | Practicum in Conflict Intervention |
CSCI 380 |
Data Management Systems |
CSCI 475/675 | Software Engr Princpl/Pract I |
ETHN 338 | Music of the Great Migration |
GEOG 301 | Geomorphology |
HESM 370 | Event Management |
HESM 410 | Fitness Assessment and Prescription |
HLTH 280 | Nutrition for Wellness |
HRM 343 | Human Resource Management |
HRM 442 | Improving Employee Performance |
HRM 444 | Compensation and Benefits |
MKT 354 | Market Research |
MKT 358 | Promotions Management |
MUSE 300 | Music Teaching and Learning |
MUSI 338 | Music of the Great Migration |
PHIL 215 | Contemporary Moral Problems |
SOCA 365 | Race, Crime and Law |
SPRING 2021 | |
AHS 101 | Intro Applied Health Sciences |
ART 371 | Digital Photography |
BIOS 495 | Senior Seminar |
CBL 101 | Intro to Community Based Learning |
CBL 495 | Community Engagement Capstone |
COMM 258 | Podcasting |
COMM 368 | Children in the Media |
COMM 468 | Media Literacy Project |
CSCI 476/676 | Software Engr Princpl/Pract II |
EDU 440 | Seminar Teacher Preparation Portfolio Design |
GEOG 355 | Field Mapping |
HESM 280 | Sports and Fitness Nutrition |
HESM 370 | Event Management |
HESM 430 | Fitness Program Management |
HRM 343 | Human Resource Management |
MIS 425 | System Analysis And Design |
MKT 354 | Market Research |
MKT 358 | Promotions Management |
PHIL 215 | Contemporary Moral Problems |
POLS 302 | Environmental Policy |
SOCA 216 | Substance Use/Abuse |
SPAN 335 | Latin American literature & Culture Since 1700 |
FALL 2020 | |
AHS 101 | Introduction to Applied Health Sciences |
ART 371 | Digital Photography |
CBL 101 | Introduction to Community Engagement |
COMM 435 | Integrated Marketing Communication |
COMM 468 | Digital & Media Literacy Certificate Capstone |
COMM 485 | Practicum in Conflict Intervention |
CRMJ 365 | Race, Crime, and Law (crosslisted as SOCA 365) |
CSCI 475 | Software Engineering |
EDU 200 | Education Learning Community Seminar & Pre-Clinical II |
EDU 210 |
Exploring Children’s Worlds in Classroom, Context and Community |
EDU 300 | Seminar and Practicum I: The Learner and Learning |
EDU 310 | Seminar: Learning Design and Assessment |
EDU 430 | Seminar: Using Technology to Engage in Action Research I |
EDU 440 | Seminar: Teacher Preparation Portfolio Design |
GEOG 460 | Introduction to GIS |
HESM 280 | Sport and Fitness Nutrition |
HESM 321 | Women’s Health Issues |
HESM 370 | Event Management |
HESM 410 | Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription |
MUSE 300 | Music Teaching & Learning |
PHIL 215 |
Contemporary Moral Problems |
SOCA 303 | Program Evaluation |
SOCA 365 | Race, Crime, and Law (crosslisted as CRMJ 365) |
SPRING 2020 | |
AHS 101 | Intro to Applied Health Sciences |
ANTH 300 | Topics in Data Collection and Analysis |
ART 371 | Digital Photography |
BUS 201 | Experiencing Business |
CBL 101 |
Intro To Community Based Learning |
CMHC 740 |
Foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling |
COMM 255 | Writing for Multimedia |
COMM 258 | Podcasting |
COMM 340 | Health Communication |
COMM 368 | Children and the Media |
COMM 468 | Media Literacy Project |
COMM 485 | Practicum Conflict Intervention |
CRMJ/SOCA 365 | Race, Crime and Law |
CRMJ 373 | Criminal Justice And Mental Health |
CSCI 476 | Software Engr Princpl/Pract I |
EDU 200 | Teaching The Whole Child |
EDU 300 | Creating Effective Learning Environments |
GEOS 301 | Geomorphology |
HESM 220 | Applied Sport Management |
HESM 221 |
Applied Exercise Science |
HESM 280 | Sport And Fitness Nutrition |
HESM 370 | Event Management |
HESM 430 |
Fitness Program Management |
MIS 425 | Systems Analysis & Design |
PHIL 215 | Contemporary Moral Problems |
POLS 302 | Environmental Policy |
PSYC 492 | Psychology Research Seminar |
SOCA 303 | Program Evaluation |
SOCA 306 | Research in Community Needs |
SOCA 336 | Childhood & Society |
SOCA/CRMJ 365 | Race, Crime and Law |