Purchasing Technology
Campus Technology Services (CTS) is responsible for the University of Wisconsin - Parkside technology inventory. CTS completes information security and resource reviews prior to purchase for all technology solutions, including software.
Use the information below to determine the appropriate purchasing method after the CTS review.
There are a number of considerations when purchasing technology. Purchasing and CTS collaborated to create a checklist for requests. This checklist is designed to assist the University of Wisconsin Parkside units planning to acquire, develop, or accept technology applications or services. Answering the questions in the checklist will help CTS identify requirements and considerations prior to acquisition, including the need for support.
This form must be submitted with your COST ticket, Requisition if not in COST, P-Card transaction in SFS, etc.
Delegated Department authority of purchases under $5,000 must comply with all other purchasing rules and regulations. If a department or unit is purchasing a technology solution under $5,000, there are three steps that need to be followed:
1. Review the Campus Technology Inventory
If UW Parkside already has the technology, software, or licenses, contact CTS to discuss whether you may be able to use an existing license for your business purpose.
2. Review the Supplier Contracts
If UW Parkside does not currently have the technology, software, or an alternative, the next step is to determine if an existing supplier contract covers the purchase. Contact Purchasing if you have questions about contract searches in VendorNet.
3. Submit the Technology Acquisition Request to CTS
If purchasing a new software program or other technology solution through a contract or not, submit the Technology Acquisition Request form to CTS. When reviewed and approved, you may purchase the technology solution using the appropriate method.
After the TAR is returned to you, please submit the Purchase Request, quote, and TAR in a COST ticket.
Only the Procurement Manager or another Chancellor delegate can sign a contract. If you receive a document from a technology provider or supplier that requires a University signature, you must submit the document and a completed Technology Acquisition Request to Purchasing for review through a COST ticket.
CTS maintains a technology inventory directory. Before you consider purchasing a technology solution, please check with CTS for solutions already on campus. Submit a ticket to servicedesk@uwp.edu including the specific information on what you need the technology solution to do. CTS will review your request for existing capabilities.
Some technology - particularly SOFTWARE - can only be purchased through contracted suppliers, regardless of cost. When using a contracted supplier, the Purchase Order process may be followed. Please note that all Software must go through the TAR process also.
Contact Purchasing if you have questions about buying on contract.
Technology solution purchases over $5,000 must comply with the Purchase Order and bid process. Additionally, the Technology Acquisition Request must be completed as early as possible in the process and submitted to CTS. If you submit a COST ticket without a completed TAR, your COST representative may contact you to complete an dsubmit one prior to submitting a Requisition on your behalf.
You will work with CTS, COST, and Purchasing on the acquisition.
Purchase Orders with approved suppliers on existing contracts are the preferred method to purchase technology.
The Campus Operations Support Team will submit all requisitions on your behalf. Please complete the COST ticket found in BP Logix. The COST representative may reach out to you for more information.
In some circumstances it may be appropriate to use your P-Card to purchase technology. The steps for technology acquisition should be followed and all documentation submitted.
Business Services
900 Wood Rd.
Kenosha, WI 53144
Tallent Hall 245
Parking: Lot T
Office Hours
- SUNClosed
- MON7:45 AM to 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
- TUE7:45 AM to 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
- WED7:45 AM to 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
- THU7:45 AM to 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
- FRI7:45 AM to 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
- SATClosed
Please note that documents you would send via intercampus mail can be scanned and emailed to businessservices@uwp.edu