Supervisor's Toolkit
- Encourage the injured employee to seek medical help if necessary;
- Initiate investigation of incident,contacting the Risk Management Officer (ext. 2262) for assistance with investigation;
- Complete and submit to your worker's compensation coordinator within 24 hours of the date of the accident and no later than 3 days from date of injury: Employee's Work Injury and Illness Report (from employee), Authorization to Use or Disclose Health Information (from employee), Supervisor's Accident Analysis and Evaluation of Repetitive Motion and/or Material Handling Activities (from Supervisor); and Supervisor's Questions (form Supervisor) forms
For more information, or in case of an emergency, please contact:
Chris Heilgeist
Worker's Compensation Coordinator
Phone: 262.595.2220
Special Circumstances
If the work-related accident results in death, please contact Human Resources immediately as the accident must be reported to the Department of workforce Development within 24 hours. Failure to meet this deadline will result in significant fines.
Lost Time
If the injured employee misses any work time, the injury/incident must be reported to Human Resources within 24 hours of the injury/incident. If no time from work is missed, the forms must be received in Human Resources within 3 days of the incident.
Additional Responsibilities
- Forward any paperwork that you receive related to the claim to Human Resources, including medical releases, medical proof that injury is work related and certificate of work restrictions.
- Review the employee's time and absence record to ensure that all time lost due to worker's compensation is reflected in paid or unpaid leave (absence requests) and that this is noted in the comment section of the request as "WC." Approve absences once you confirm that the employee has recorded all lost time for the pay period.
- Verify that a Work Release returning the employee to work at full or partial duty has been received before allowing an employee to return to work or upgrade their duty status
- Arrange for alternate light or medium duty work assignments for the injured worker per the Work Release and advise Worker's Compensation Coordinator (Human Resources).
- Maintain contact with the injured employee and the Worker's Compensation Coordinator (Human Resources) throughout the course of the claim.
- Maintain confidentiality of all information related to the claim.
Related Links
- Worker's Compensation (State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development)
- Worker's Compensation (University Wisconsin System)
Employee to complete:
- Worker's Compensation: Employee's Work Injury & Illness Report (DOC)
- Worker's Compensation: Authorization to Use or Disclose Health Information (DOC)
- Worker's Compensation: Mileage Reimbursement (PDF)
Supervisor to complete: