Native American Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Month honors the culture, traditions, arts, and history of the Native American community. Join us this month as we learn from educators and celebrate the rich culture of the Native American community. Stay connected to us on Facebook and Instagram to know about upcoming events!
Native American Heritage Month Library Collection
In the Library, the Ways of Knowing book display will be in the entrance throughout the month of November along with the regular NAHM display to the left of the entrance. We also have a Native American Voices Collection that people can browse online. The link is below.
NAHM Bridge Table
NOV 11 | 11:00 AM-12:30 PM | THE BRIDGE
Stop by the Student Center Bridge visit the Native American Heritage Month Table to learn about the Indigenous actors in Hollywood.
Sponsor | Office of Multicultural Student Affairs
Nature Walk with Dr. David Rogers
NOV 11 | 12:30 PM | Starts at the entrance to the Library
(Rain Date: NOV 18 | 12:30 PM)
Walk around the Parkside AMW Tree Walk and learn about Wisconsin’s native trees, how to identify them in fall and winter, and their common uses today and in the past.
Sponsors | UW-Parkside Library, Office of Multicultural Student Affairs
Native American Heritage Month Bridge Table
NOV 13 | 11:00 AM-12:30 PM | The Bridge
Stop by the Student Center Bridge visit the Native American Heritage Month Table to learn about the Red Dress Project which brings attention to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.
Sponsor | Office of Multicultural Student Affairs
MOSAIC Workshop: Land Grab Universities - Unpacking the Legacy and Lessons of Indigenous Land Rights
NOV 18 | 12 PM-1 PM | WYLL D182 (The Commons, Wyllie Hall D1 Level)
This workshop will explore the history of “Land Grab” universities in the United States, its impact on Native Americans past and present, and how institutions of higher education take responsibility for their past in our current society.
Sponsors | Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, Genders & Sexualities Advocacy Center
DIY Dreamcatchers
Join us in learning about the cultural importance of dreamcatchers. Bring your friends to create a personalized dreamcatcher of your very own!
Sponsors | Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, Student Engagement & Connection
A Conversation with Jon Proudstar from FX’s Reservation Dogs
NOV 22 | 12 PM-1 PM | WYLL D182 (The Commons, Wyllie Hall D1 Level) or join via Zoom
Jon Proudstar was born in Tucson, Arizona, is an American film actor, film & comic book writer, and director. He is the creator of the first all Native Super hero comic Tribal Force. Jon is currently featured in the FX show, Reservation Dogs. Jon will join us virtually to have a conversation where we will hear about his experience as an actor, what challenges he faced on his path, the developmental opportunities that helped him in his career, and the advice he has for students. You can attend this event in person or via Zoom (see link below). Light refreshments will be served at the in-person event location.
Click here to join via Zoom at the time of the event.
Sponsor | Office of Multicultural Student Affairs
Astronomy of Native America Student Final Presentations
Learn about the astronomical understanding and beliefs among indigenous groups of the Americas through a series of short, five-to-fifteen-minute presentations by UW-Parkside students currently enrolled in the Astronomy of Native America course taught by Dr. William Parker. Topics range from the Inuit peoples of the Arctic to the Tawantinsuyu, the last pre-Columbian civilization in the Andes mountains of South America.
Sponsors | Charles and Kathryn Heide Observatory at Hawthorn Hollow
Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA) | 262-595-2731 |