02/12/2025: Caution: Due to inclement weather all in-person classes from 4 pm onwards 02/12/25 have been canceled. Online classes continue as scheduled. MORE...

Compensation Structure and Tools

Appendix 1 – Additional Pay Components

  1. Additional Pay Components for FLSA Non-Exempt University Staff
    1. Night Differential: Forty-five cents ($0.45) per hour for all hours worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. 

    2. Weekend Differential: Sixty cents ($0.60) per hour for all weekend hours worked (i.e., work hours between the hours of 12:01 a.m. on Saturday and 12:00 midnight on Sunday. 

    3. Legal Holiday Premium: Compensatory time off or payment at the premium rate will be granted for hours worked on days identified as legal holidays in UPS Operational Policy BN 2, Personal Holiday & Legal Holiday.

    4. Standby Pay: When an employee is required by the institution’s administrators to be available for work and able to report to work in less than one hour, the employee will receive $2.25 for each hour in standby status.

    5. Call-Back/Call-In Pay: A minimum of two hours pay is guaranteed when an employee is called back for duty or called in on the employee’s day off.

    6. Calls at Home: If the Employer contacts the employee at home for the purpose of discussing job-related business, the employee shall be credited with work time for all such calls. In no case shall the employee receive less than a single one-half (1/2) hour credit per day for such calls under this section. Examples of job-related business calls include calls regarding specific patient treatment procedures, questions regarding operation of equipment, clarification of instructions, and repair procedures. Examples of non-job-related business calls include calls made to call an employee back to work, availability for overtime, and scheduling changes.

    7. Legal Holiday Premium
      Compensatory time off or payment at the premium rate will be granted for hours worked on days identified as legal holidays in UPS Operational Policy BN 2: Personal Holiday & Legal Holiday Administration.

  2. Pay Components pertaining to Crafts Workers
    See UPS Operational Policy GEN 21: Crafts Workers for the compensation structure for Crafts Workers

Compensation Structure and Tools

Appendix 2 – Miscellaneous Provisions

  1. Leave Payout

    Upon termination, employee leave balances will be reviewed and eligible leave balances will be converted to cash payment to be included in the employee’s final regular paycheck or a supplemental paycheck. The guidelines for this payout are found in UPS Operational Policies: BN 1 Vacation, Paid Leave Banks, and Vacation Cash Payouts, and BN 2 Personal Holiday and Legal Holiday Administration.

  2. Reimbursement for Damaged Personal Articles

    The UW institution may reimburse its employees for the cost of repairing or replacing articles of clothing, watches, or eye glasses damaged in the line of duty if such damage is not caused by employee carelessness or normal wear and tear resulting from the type of work performed by the employee. Payments under this section are subject to the approval of the Chancellor or his/her designee and are likely taxable.

    1. Determination of Value

      The appointing authority shall determine the value of damaged personal articles at the time damage occurs. If the appointing authority determines that the personal articles are damaged beyond repair, the reimbursement amount shall not exceed the actual replacement value, less depreciation, of the damaged articles.

    2. Reimbursement Limitations

      The reimbursement amount shall not exceed $100.00 for any one incident except that reimbursement for watches shall not exceed $75.00.

    These provisions shall not apply to articles where the actual replacement value, less depreciation, or repair cost is less than $10.00.

  3.  Safety Equipment

    Employees shall be reimbursed, in accordance with institution policy, for safety and protective equipment if, in the performance of their assigned duties, the equipment is required by the employer. These payments are likely taxable.

    1. Protective Clothing

      The employer shall furnish, in accordance with institutional limits, required protective clothing and equipment necessary for the performance of assigned duties. Such equipment shall be in accordance with the standards established by regulating agencies.

    2. Protective Shoes

      If the employer requires the purchase of safety shoes necessary in the performance of assigned duties, the employer shall pay an allowance, in accordance with institutional limits, toward such purchase as an expense check.

    3.  Safety Glasses

      If the employer requires the purchase of safety glasses and/or safety sunglasses for the performance of assigned duties, the employer shall reimburse the employee for such expense, in accordance with institutional limits, including the cost of any eye examination required for such purposes and not covered by any health insurance program. Reimbursement for eye examinations under this provision shall not exceed one per fiscal year.

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