UPS workplace expectations - appendixes
Appendix 1: Behavioral Standards and Expectations
The following are University Staff’s expectations for acceptable personal conduct. These standards are very basic.
- Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will maintain and strengthen the public’s trust and confidence in the integrity of UW-Parkside and take no actions incompatible with their obligations to the University.
- Employees are expected to carry out their instructions, duties and responsibilities as set forth in the descriptions of their positions with care and competency and as directed by those with authority to assign the work.
- Employees are expected to conduct personal business unrelated to their positions at UW-Parkside on their own time. This includes solicitation (including political solicitation).
- Employees are expected to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of confidential records and information.
- Employees are expected to promote/provide equal access to programs, facilities and equipment.
- Employees are expected to be truthful, accurate and complete when providing information to anyone responsible for gathering information on behalf of UW-Parkside or another State agency.
- Employees are expected to abide by the policies and regulations for health, safety and sanitation.
- Employees are expected to conduct themselves with a degree of reasonable and proper care so as not to damage or injure others.
- Employees are expected to come to work as scheduled, follow proper notification policies when they do not and to abide by the requirements of their work schedules. Employees are expected to take the responsibility for reporting to work as required and be available according to the expectations of their positions.
- Employees are expected to respect university property and equipment, to use it only for appropriate university purposes and not use it for inappropriate, wasteful or personal use.
- Employees are expected to respect the private property belonging to other individuals and not to remove or take possession of it without permission.
- Employees are expected to use care in guarding university keys and not to lend, borrow, duplicate or use them for an inappropriate purpose.
- Employees are expected to use care in guarding university passwords and not to share, borrow, steal or use them for an inappropriate purpose.
- Employees are expected to respect the use and security of university buildings and property and are expected not to enter restricted areas without authorization.
- Employees must respect the rights of others to be free of bullying, harassment, intentional physical harm or intimidation in the workplace. See Appendix 2.
- Employees must respect the rights of others to be free from intentional or personally-directed abusive or offensive language in the workplace.
- Employees must respect the rights of others to be free of unlawful, defamatory, harassing, abusive, fraudulent, infringing and/or obscene content within any communication media in the workplace.
- Employees must abide by University policies regarding the possession of weapons or firearms on University property.
- Employees are expected to perform their duties without impairment or the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
- Employees are expected to dress appropriately for the University workplace and to maintain standards for personal hygiene that do not affect the health or safety of themselves or others.
- Employees are expected to use badges, uniforms, campus IDs and permits (including parking permits) for the official uses intended.
- Employees are expected to be proactive in preventing, detecting and reporting any compliance violations; without the threat of retaliation.
- Employees are expected to display courteousness and use good judgment in dealing with the public and others in the University community.
Appendix 2: Bullying
A respectful campus environment is a necessary condition for success in aspects of the University’s mission and values and the University is committed to providing a respectful campus, free of bullying in all of its forms. Bullying is unacceptable in all working, learning, and service interactions.
2. Definition of Bullying
Bullying is unwanted offensive and malicious behavior which undermines an individual or group through persistently negative verbal or psychological abuse. There is typically an element of vindictiveness and the behavior is calculated to threaten, undermine, patronize, humiliate, intimidate, or demean the recipient.
Bullying is not about occasional differences of opinion, conflicts and problems in workplace relationships as these may be part of working life. Bullying can adversely affect dignity, health, and productivity and may be grounds for corrective disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Examples of behaviors that meet the definition of bullying above include, but are not limited to:
2.1 Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is defined as the use of electronic devices to convey a message in any format (i.e. text, image, audio, video) that defames, intimidates, harasses, frightens, stalks or is otherwise intended to harm, offend or humiliate another individual or group of individuals in a deliberate, repeated, hostile or unwanted manner under the perpetrator's true or a false identity.
2.2. Physical Bullying
Physical bullying is pushing, shoving, kicking, poking, and/or tripping; assault or threat of physical assault; damage to a person’s work area or property; damage to or destruction of a person’s work product or personal property.
2.3. Verbal Bullying
Verbal bullying is repeated slandering, ridiculing, or maligning of a person or persons, addressing abusive and offensive remarks to a person or persons in a sustained or repeated manner; or shouting at others in public and/or in private where such conduct is so severe or pervasive as to cause or create a hostile or offensive educational or working environment or unreasonably interfere with the person’s work or school performance or participation.
2.4. Nonverbal Bullying
Nonverbal bullying can consist of directing threatening gestures toward a person or persons or invading personal space after being asked to move or step away.
2.5. Anonymous Bullying
Anonymous bullying can consist of withholding or disguising identity while treating a person in a malicious manner, sending insulting or threatening anonymous messages, placing objectionable objects among a person’s belongings, leaving degrading written or pictorial material about a person where others can see.
2.6. Threatening Behavior Toward a Person's Job or Well-Being
Making threats, either explicit or implicit to the security of a person’s job, position, or personal well-being can be bullying. It is not bullying behavior for a supervisor to note an employee’s poor job performance and potential consequences within the framework of University policies and procedures, or for a professor or academic program director to advise a student of unsatisfactory academic work and the potential for course failure or dismissal from the program if uncorrected.
3. Reporting Bullying Actions
An individual who believes he or she has been the subject of bullying, or an individual who believes a staff member has engaged in bullying behavior should report the behavior to his or her supervisor or manager, the Department Director or Dean of the School or College or to the appropriate Vice Chancellor or Provost.
Individuals may also report acts of bullying to the University Staff Committee though one of its members.
The individual should select the reporting method he or she is most comfortable with and that is most appropriate to the situation.
5. Action
Bullying behavior will be investigated and handled in the same manner as misconduct, and may result in a variety of possible sanctions up to and including termination.