Original Issuance Date: July 1, 2015
- Communicates to employees the intent and purpose of performance evaluation.
- Informs employees of the performance standards that will be the basis for evaluating performance.
- Incorporates both a formal annual review and ongoing informal performance discussions and periodic appraisals.
- Human Resources Office maintains documentation of performance evaluation reviews.
- Human Resources Office ensures that supervisors receive orientation and training in the performance evaluation process.
Definitions Specific to this Policy:
“Performance evaluation” means a continual process of identifying, measuring and developing job related employee performance.
“Performance management” is a continual process of establishing expectations, ongoing coaching and feedback, and measuring outcomes in formal performance evaluations. A “calendar day” excludes legal holidays in all cases.
All UW-Parkside University Staff employees will participate in and follow the performance management process. The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the process that will foster continued improvement in work performance of all UW-Parkside employees. The performance management process will also serve as a component in the determination of merit-based salary adjustments for University Staff employees.
A. Supervisors are to be formally trained to evaluate performance at least every 2 years, or sooner, as determined by the institution. Newly hired supervisors shall be trained within the first 90 days of employment; and training is made available upon request at all other times. Included in the training should be guidance on how to address performance that does not meet expectations.
B. Supervisors are to apply performance ratings in a fair, consistent, and objective manner.
C. Supervisors are expected to provide a written, formal assessment of the employee at least once per year on a regular interval for all University staff as determined by the institution. Probationary university staff shall receive a formal evaluation every 90 days.
D. Employees are evaluated against the duties and responsibilities outlined in their job description. Together, employees and supervisors are to establish expectations and ensure clarity of goals, responsibilities, and alignment with University needs. The performance conversation shall provide the opportunity to update the job description, if needed.
E. The performance conversation should provide an opportunity for the employee to share their self-perceptions of their performance, the supervisor’s assessment of employee performance, and a discussion of opportunities for career and professional development.
F. Merit increases will be granted consistent with employee performance, and shall be included in all performance management and play plan procedures. Pay plan distribution guidelines and eligibility will include performance management requirements that are consistent with UW System Administration policy 1254, and the requirement of satisfactory performance or greater.
G. In order to achieve satisfactory performance, employees are required to complete Information Security Awareness training, Preventing Sexual Harassment training, and all other additional institutional guidelines as required by the UW System Administration.
H. In the event an employee performance does not meet expectations, the supervisor’s explanation must be timely, clear and concise.
I. An employee may not appeal a performance evaluation but may submit a written rebuttal, which will be attached to the evaluation.
J. Completed evaluations must be maintained by Human Resources Office.
K. The Human Resources Office will maintain the official personnel file for each employee.
L. Performance management records will be retained in accordance with with the UW System Records Retention Policy
A. Human Resources Office to send performance evaluation materials to supervisors on or before December 1st of each year. The performance rating scale will be clearly stated on the performance evaluation forms. Each rating will have a definition, with one of the ratings clearly defined as solid or meritorious performance.
B. Supervisor sends completed template to employee on or before February 1st of each year. Supervisors who do not complete performance evaluations for their direct reports are ineligible for pay plan or any other pay adjustments outside of the pay plan.
C. Employee has two weeks to review and complete self-evaluation.
D. One-on-one meeting between supervisor and employee is scheduled to discuss and finalize performance evaluation with a completion date on or before March 1st of each year.
The result of performance evaluation is a critical component in determining salary increases both as part and outside the pay plan. The Chancellor, in alignment with UWSA policies and practice, shall have in place for all staff a salary evaluation system, the results of which can be a factor to be considered for pay plan purposes.
For further details, please refer to Operational Policies TC 4, Regent Pay Plan and Supplemental Pay Plan Distribution, TC 3, Compensation Structure and Tools and UPS Operational Policy HR 5.
A. The UW System Human Resources team will review performance management guidelines for each institution to determine compliance with UPS policy.
B. The Human Resources Office and the University Staff Committee will consult with governance on the performance management process if or when a policy or procedure change is being considered. Consultation with appropriate governance bodies shall take place prior to finalizing the newly developed process or procedure. The Human Resource Office may provide procedural assistance for employees if needed.
Wis. Admin. Code Chapter ER 45, Employee Performance Evaluation
Chapter UWS 3: Tenured and Probationary faculty
UW System Administrative Policy 1254
UW System Administrative Policy 1277: Compensation