Effective Date: July 1, 2015
Last Updated: May 18, 2015
Last Reviewed:
Next Review: July 1, 2016

University Staff Policies and Procedures

SUBJECT: Workplace Conduct Expectations
Original Issuance Date: July 1, 2015



The purpose of this policy is to provide a set of expectations regarding conduct in the university setting that may be applied to University Staff employees. 
Wis. Stat § 36.115 requires the Board of Regents to develop a personnel system that is separate and distinct from the personnel system under Wis. Stat. Chapter 230.  The “classified employee work rules,” which prior to July 1, 2015 were applicable to classified UW System employees covered by Wis. Stat. Chapter 230, no longer apply.  

Please see the Definitions Operational Policy for a list of general terms and definitions.

A “calendar day” excludes legal holidays in all cases.

As described below, there are general expectations for conduct of UW-Parkside University Staff employees in the workplace. These general expectations do not preclude a department or a work unit from establishing additional rules that are necessary for the effective operation of that department or work unit. Additional work rules created by a department or work unit should be reviewed by the Human Resources Office and distributed to applicable employees at least seven (7) days prior to going into effect.

The workplace expectations listed below also apply to:

  • All UW System employees when conducting business at UW-Parkside.
  • Volunteers and other representatives when speaking or acting on behalf of UW-Parkside. 

These guidelines are not meant to and shall not interfere with academic freedom. The following are general expectations for UW-Parkside employee conduct in the workplace:

  1. Be Fair and Respectful to Others – Every UW-Parkside employee shall be courteous and respectful in interactions with students, other employees, members of the general public, and/or any other individual when acting on behalf of UW-Parkside. (SeeUWS 18.10 and UWS 18.11
  2. Protect and Preserve UW-Parkside Resources – Employees shall responsibly use and care for UW-Parkside property.  UW-Parkside services, resources, or information shall not be used for personal gain.  (See UWS 18.12 and UWS 18.08)
  3. Act Ethically and with Integrity – All UW-Parkside employees should act according to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct (See RPD – Code of Ethics and Wis. Stat.§ 19.45(11)(b)).  
  4. Contribute to a Healthy and Safe Workplace – UW-Parkside strives to promote health and safety in the workplace.  It is the responsibility of all to ensure a safe, secure, and healthy environment for all. (See UWS 18, Conduct on University Lands).
  5. Promote a Culture of Responsibility  

Expectations in furtherance of these principles are located in Appendix 1 and 2.

Any alleged violations of this policy should first be reported to the employee’s direct supervisor, department chair or department head as appropriate. It is expected that the recipient of the information regarding the alleged policy violation will investigate and take appropriate action.


The Human Resources Office and the University Staff Committee will share joint responsibility for evaluating the effectiveness of this policy by conducting yearly reviews of this Workplace Conduct Expectations Policy.   The Human Resource Office may provide procedural assistance for employees if needed. 

Wisconsin Admin. Code Chapter UWS 18, Conduct on University Lands
Regent Policy Document Code of Ethics (effective July 1, 2015)
UPS Operational Policy WE 3: Workplace Conduct Expectations
UPS Operational Policy GEN 11: Workplace Safety
UPS Operational Policy WE 1: Code of Ethics
UW-Parkside Complaint Policy
UW-Parkside Sexual Harassment Policy – Administrative Policy #36
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